This post was sponsored by Meta Appetite Control as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. 

About a year ago my boyfriend & I decided we wanted to be more health conscious. We wanted to learn about nutrition and count calories. Since then, he has lost just over 60 pounds, and I have lost 20 pounds. One of the most important things that we learned on our journey was that what you eat matters. Of course, having a balance of nutrition is important for health reasons. However, getting good levels of protein, healthy fats and fibers are also important to keep you feeling full.

In our weight loss journey we try to eat a lot of high protein and high fiber foods, plus a good level of healthy fats and it’s worked pretty well for us. However, we have also grown to accept that we have to let ourselves indulge on occasion. My biggest weaknesses is salty snacks. I am not a “sweets” person. I could go a full year without eating cake and not miss it. However, if I go a month without eating chips I will inevitably end up at a birthday party or a store with chips and end up over-indulging. For me, I feel that occasionally letting myself have a few chips is better than trying to avoid them all together. However, I am 5′ tall so my calorie limit is 1200 calories per day. I feel very lucky that with eating a balanced diet I usually am able to stick to my 1200 calories without being hungry or struggling at all. However, on those ‘indulge’ days it’s tough! If I eat a handful of chips (about 200 calories) that is 1/6th of my daily calories. I could easily work around this for the rest of the day except when I do eat chips as a snack I am left really hungry still. So then I find myself wanting to eat again really quickly but if I do go ahead and eat another snack then I’ve really ruined my calorie level for the day.

meta appetite walgreens

I recently discovered a new way to curb my appetite on those days when I want to indulge a little without being left so hungry that I need to eat again shortly afterwards. Meta Appetite Control is made by the makers of Metamucil and is available at Walgreens. You’ll find it in the aisle with other Metamucil products. Meta Appetite Control uses psyllium fiber which works with your body to curb hunger. Similar to how eating high-fiber foods keep you feeling full, using Meta Appetite Control which has fiber does the same thing. It’s simply a mix that you combine with water and drink.

meta appetite control mix

The dosage combines 2 rounded teaspoonfuls of the mix with about 8 ounces of water. However you can mix the two rounded teaspoonfuls into slightly more or slightly less water to adjust how strong the mix tastes. The 8 oz drink mix is just 47 calories and offers 6 grams of fiber. It’s been clinically proven to help control cravings between meals. The psyllium fiber thickens to form a gel-like consistency which aids in the sensation of fullness. It works great for me on those indulgence days, but I would also recommend it to anyone who is left feeling hungry at the calorie level they are trying to stick to. I also like having it on hand for long nights. I try to schedule my meals evenly throughout the day. On nights where I stay up later than normal, I get left with midnight munchies even though I don’t have enough calories left to eat again, so Meta Appetite Control is perfect for taking care of that. It can be used up to three times per day. I’ve been really pleased with how it works to curb my hunger. It’s available in the flavors Orange Zest and Pink Lemonade. Or, you can choose the flavorless option which is ideal for mixing into smoothies or other drinks.

Meta appetite control drink

If you would like to try Meta Appetite Control fill out the form below for a $5 coupon. The first 100 people to submit the form will be sent a free full size sample ($18.99 value) as well.

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