Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer {Review} | Emily Reviews

Growing up, I remember struggling to keep my bedroom clean when I shared with my sister.  We both had a lot of “stuff” and no matter how much I cleaned and organized, there just wasn’t space to keep things neat.  It didn’t help that my sister could have cared less for organization either!  Ha.  To this day, we are still complete opposites in this department.  A couple months ago, the entire family played musical bedrooms and have finally found something that works.  This includes having all three of our boys in one room.  So, as you can imagine, we needed to figure out some storage solutions for some of their toys.

A big thank you to Delta Children for this great Organizer!
Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

I decided that the Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer just might be the thing to help us out.  The boys have a variety of cars, trucks, tractors, animals, and Duplo Legos that needed some organization and the multiple bins seemed like a great fit.

Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

All the pieces came neatly packed in a box and were protected well.  We spread everything out and all the pieces were accounted for so our 9 year old son and I got busy assembling.  The directions were easy to follow and we had the shelf together in less than 10 minutes.

Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

Once together, I was really pleased to see how sturdy this unit is.  It feels very well made and doesn’t wobble at all!  Measuring in at 25 (width) by 26 (height) by 11.75 (depth) when fully assembled, it offers great storage solutions without being cumbersome.

Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

Included with this PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer are six individual fabric bins in a variety of sizes.  The boys use the large bin on the bottom for all their toy cars and trucks and are organizing other toys in the smaller bins.

Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

Our boys really like that the bins are lightweight and easy to grab off the shelf to play with.  Being able to bring each bin down to the ground is easier for them to play as well as clean up when they are all done.

Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

This storage bin has been a great addition to the boys’ room.  Not only does it allow them to have their toys more organized, they are easier to find and play with too.

Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer

Buy It: Head over to Delta Children to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer. You can also head over to purchase the Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer on Amazon.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Delta Children on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, and subscribe to their You Tube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.

This post currently has 10 responses.

  • kathy downey

    Thanks for the introduction to the Delta Children PAW Patrol Multi-Bin Toy Organizer ,i love the size and design,it would dress up any childs room

  • Sarah L

    That does look like a good organizer. I like that the bins are removable and light weight.

  • Crafty Nunn

    I like this setup. I like that they can take one box of toys out at a time. That will help organize the cleanup too.

  • Laurie P

    I really like this…..wonder if I can locate one in my neck of the woods…..

  • Deb E

    I love Paw Patrol so this is super cute to me. We only had a closet to fit our things into, so this would have been great to have. It looks easy enough to assemble.

  • Dandi D

    I really wish our toys were more organized and this looks like it would really help!

  • Amber Ludwig

    Oh my son would adore this!! He LOVES Paw Patrol!! /i love the big storage bin on bottom!! We have one with all small bins and not everything fits!

  • Rosie

    The designer was really smart, to make it appeal not so much to adults or look utilitarian, but looks like a giant toy – all the more likely kids will use it and not just the parents!!

  • Lauryn R

    Toy organizers are definitely a must when you have children! This Paw Patrol themed one is adorable! I actually bought this one only SpongeBob themed when my oldest was one. We only just recently had to stop using it almost 6 years later and it’s been through 3 kiddos! The only reason is because of the cloth that holds the bins up has been torn to pieces and the bins become flimsy after years of use. I can definitely see sewing a new piece of clton for it and it being just as new, which is why I still have it. 🙂 Definitely a great purchase, especially for the price and how long it lasts!

  • Dotty J Boucher

    WOW! what a great storage bin, I love that it has many baskets to hold the different toys or books and that rug is awesome looking.

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