In this fast paced world, super sizing seems to be the popular way to go. That is, unless we’re talking fast food and you’ve seen the documentary! But all kidding aside, who doesn’t love a slightly bigger piece of cake? A larger house? Or…….if you’re a kid (or kid at heart), a giant soccer ball!?! When I first learned about the Giant Inflatable Soccer Ball from GoFloats, I was super excited. With three boys (and two girls plus three foster daughters) in the house, we’ve got energy coming out of our ears. Truth be told, I just kept thinking that this would be so much fun for kids and adults alike. So I was thrilled to partner with GoFloats for this review.
The GoFloats Giant Inflatable Soccerball came packaged in a fairly small sized box that weighed about six pounds. When the kids saw the small stature of the package, they weren’t sure about the content inside. But I knew once the final product was revealed, their excitement would hit the roof.
Designed with a rapid valve for fast filling, this ball definitely needs to be inflated with a pump. It would be next to impossible to accomplish this without. Even using our air compressor, the massive size of this ball took a few minutes to reach full capacity.
Those few minutes of filling definitely went by slowly for the watchers. Anticipation built fast, though, as the ball kept getting bigger and bigger!
Once fully inflated, my husband decided he should play a little bit on his way to show the kids that were waiting by the house. While he thought he would be able to manage carrying the Giant Soccer Ball on his head, he quickly realized it would be impossible with the breezy day and took to rolling it instead.
Once in the hands of the kids, complete joy and elation rang out over the yard! This sheer size of the Giant Soccer Ball draws attention and the kids (and my husband) found lots of creative ways to play.
Measuring in at 6 feat in diameter, the ball looks so awesome when airborne. Because it’s inflated, it moves, rolls, and bounces fairly easily making play even more fun.
Made from a durable material that is made to last, GoFloats does recommend only playing with their Giant Soccer Ball on soft surfaces to prevent damage. A small patch kit is included in case a repair would be needed though.
Final Thoughts: The Giant Soccer Ball has been loads of fun for our family. I’m glad we have a large garage as it takes up a bit of room when not in use but the required storage space when inflated is well worth the fun when in play.
Buy It: Head over to P&P Imports to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer or purchase your very own GoSports Products On Amazon or GoFloats Products On Amazon.
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I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 12 responses.
Wow, this looks like a lot of fun. My son would love this and it would be perfect for a party game.
YES! not sure who’d have more fun, the kids or hubby and me lol
That looks like so much fun. I am sure they enjoyed playing with it.
Given the growing popularity of soccer around the world, I can see how these giant fun balls would be a huge hit, with everyone, not just kids! You had me fooled too when I saw the top of the post and surprised by the end. So much fun with this I bet!
That’s a really BIG soccer ball! Too big for little kids, but fun for bigger ones.
What a neat soccer ball. We have a huge field right across from our house and this ball would be perfect for my grandchildren. They would have so much fun…..
This looks fun! I bet it is a blast playing with a ball this huge. I could see playing in the water with this too! Well, as long as the wind wasnt blowing a whole lot ha~ then you might be chasing it which would be fun too.
You definitely need a bit of space to be able to play with this! I love the pic of it above the trampoline.
OMGOSH how awesome!! I love how big it is!! My son would be blown away by it!!
OMGoodness, that looks like so much fun. he kids would go nuts for that.
This HUGE soccer ball looks like a blast!! 🙂 I can’t believe how big it is, my kids would definitely flip out if they saw it! How cool, I definitely need to get them one next Summer! Thanks for sharing!
Oh,im sure the kids has a blast with this huge ball and you certainly have the yard for it.Thanks for the wonderful review.