Thank you to Candlewick Press for providing me with product in exchange for this honest blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

My daughters LOVE reading chapter books. Recently we had the opportunity to read five new chapter books from Candlewick Press- Around the World, Snow White A Graphic Novel, The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party, Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes, and Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon.

graphic novels grade 3-5

Savannah, almost 10 years old, read Around the World and the Snow White A Graphic Novel. Savannah said she liked both of these books. She liked imagining she was on the adventures with the characters in her book. She loved learning about Nellie Bly and her journey in Around The World. When Savannah read Snow White A Graphic Novel, she said she enjoyed reading a book that had a new and exciting twist on a classic (she said “old”) fairy tale. Savannah gave both of these books two thumbs up and said she would suggest them to her school friends.

chapter books grade k-3

Cheyenne, 7.5 years old, read the Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party, Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes, and Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon. Cheyenne said of these three books, her favorite was Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon. She liked this one the best because of the all the fun animals in the book. Cheyenne said she thinks her class friends would enjoy these books. She too gives her books two thumbs up.

Do your children like reading chapter books? What are some of their favorite titles? Do they have a favorite author?


(Yes, she fell asleep rocking and reading.)

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This post currently has 16 responses.

  • Marvelous to get some advice. It is surprising how hard it is to find the right books for this age group.

  • Michelle S

    These books are a little young for my daughter. Right now she just finished Miss Pereguine. I’m still going to go check these out because they might make a perfect Christmas gift for my niece.

  • Sarah L

    I love seeing kids enjoy reading. I like to give books as presents.

  • Jeanine Carlson

    I love any program that gets kids reading. I am and have been an avid reader since th 5th grade,when I missed 1/3 of the school year due to recurring illnesses. I have loved reading ever since! My kids and grandkids all love to read now. 🙂

  • Dandi D

    Sounds like they have some great books to get for my niece!

  • I love the sound of these book. My granddaughter loves to read. The books that are too advanced for her are read to her by her Mother. I am so glad they love books so much.

  • Rosie

    I love giving books at the holidays, and knowing these get thumbs up has me wanting to get these for sure!

  • Lauryn R

    I love this Candlewick Press books! 🙂 All of the ones that you reviewed look awesome, I will definitely have to check them out. I am a big bookworm so I am really excited that my oldest can finally read and share the love as well!

  • Danielle S

    I find that chapter books are best for little readers. These books are some that I would like to get for my grandchildren.

  • Amber Ludwig

    My son isn’t in chapter books yet but I remember being young and browsing the library for chapter books!! I loved them, at them up by the weeks 🙂 They were always so intense and I felt like completing another chapter was a tiny accomplishment!!

  • Maryann D.

    These chapter books seem fantastic for children. It is wonderful to start children reading early so they learn to love it. I think books are a terrific gift too.

  • ellen beck

    It is nice to see kids reading! I am so glad you are encouraging this, and I like your daughters description that it was ike she was ‘there’ thats a true reader! The books sound good, and ones any child would enjoy.

  • Deborah D

    My niece & nephew love to read. I will tell them about these books. I am sure they will love them.

  • Terry Stevens

    I would love for my granddaughter to try these as she loves to read daily. I love that these are chapter books.

  • hannah

    my niece loves to read, and these are just the right age level for her! she’d love some as a Christmas gift.

  • kristen visser

    Love this post! my oldest daughter LOVES books and we always read a few with her every night before bed. She is only 4 but I know she will always have a graphic novel to read. I have never heard of Candlewick before but just checked out their site and they have a great selection of varies books

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