Thank you to Good Cooking for providing me with product in exchange for this honest blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Last month, I was asked if I wanted to review a chocolate melting pot from Good Cooking. I looked at the product online and thought it sounded like something my family and I would enjoy using. I took Good Cooking up on their offer.


The Good Cooking Deluxe Duel Chocolate Melting Pot set comes two melting cups, more than 30 accessories, and 12 creative recipes for you to play with. Each melting cup can hold up to two cups of chocolate, any kind works. Included with the accessories are nine molding trays perfect for making festive holiday/seasonal treats.


When the Deluxe Duel Chocolate Melting Pot set arrived, we were getting ready to celebrate a family member’s birthday. My daughters and I decided to use the Deluxe Duel Chocolate Melting Pot set to create “chunky monkey bites” for our gathering. We cut up a bunch of bananas and sprinkled them with fruit-fresh (canning supply) so they wouldn’t brown. We plugged in our melting pot unit to warm. Once it was warm, we added chopped up bulk baking chocolate to both of the melting cups. When the chocolate had melted, we mixed in a bit of our favorite peanut butter. Then we used the included tools to dip our banana pieces into the melted chocolate mixture. When we had finished dipping all of our banana pieces (and were completely covered in chocolate) we placed our “chunky monkey bites” into the freezer. This was so much fun for the girls and I. The “chunky monkey bites” were a hit with our family!


What would you make with a Deluxe Duel Chocolate Melting Pot set?

Buy It: Please visit the Good Cooking website to see the great selection of products they offer and convenient shopping locations.

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Laurie 2014 signature


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