Ever since becoming a mother, SIDS (or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) has been one of the scary unknowns that is always in the back of my mind.  Back when I did daycare, they even had us providers take a class on it.  Now as foster parents, both my husband and I had to take a SIDS/SUIDS training class again.  While they truly don’t know what causes young children to die for no apparent reason in their sleep, per our training, unsafe sleeping conditions has been a leading finding in almost every single case.  That may include a variety of things but one prominent issue they focused on for us was bedding and blankets.

Sending a big thank you to The Ollie World for sending us one of their beautiful swaddles to use with our foster baby!
October Is National SIDS Awareness Month {+ Ollie Swaddle Review}

It’s no secret that babies like to be swaddled and feel safe.  That timeless technique gives a secure feeling and allows them to sleep better and be content longer.  I’ve read that it mimics the womb feeling for them.  But sometimes, a typical swaddle just won’t do.  So when I learned that the Ollie Swaddle was created by a foster mom for her little foster baby named Oliver, I was intrigued.

The Ollie Swaddle Nature Collection offers an array of beautiful muted colors and makes a great gift.  This great swaddle encourages self-soothing while offering a calming environment.

October Is National SIDS Awareness Month {+ Ollie Swaddle Review}

So easy to use, the Ollie Swaddle is so much more than “just another swaddle”.  The ingenious design actually decreases the risk of hip dysplasia while offering all the great benefits that swaddling provides.  Plus, it’s made from a custom designed moisture-wicking fabric to reduce the risk of baby overheating!  The velcro allows for a variety of sizes while the bottom opens up for diaper changes while baby stays swaddled!  It’s truly a great product and all new parents or foster parents should have one!

October Is National SIDS Awareness Month {+ Ollie Swaddle Review}

Buy It: Head over to The Ollie World to learn more about what they offer.

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