It’s funny how you hear two different theories about younger siblings. Some people say that younger siblings hit milestones faster, because they are more eager to get around so they can join in on the fun with their older sibling. Other claim the exact opposite – that the youngest will take the longest to walk or talk, because they have siblings who are eager to help. This post about baby milestones and saving money on baby expenses is sponsored by Well Beginnings.
Royce turned one on Friday and he doesn’t really seem to fit either of those models. He did a few things earlier than his siblings. He started pulling up to furniture really early, he’s been doing that for a few months. He also crawled a bit earlier than the older kids did. He’s even a pro at climbing up onto the couch, he’s been doing that for six weeks or so. When he began pulling up to furniture around 8 months I thought he might be an early walker, though that hasn’t proven to be the case. He’s a pro at getting around in a walker and crawling. It almost seems like he could walk if he wanted to, but he’s too nervous or something. I expect him to take off walking any day now which would put him right in the middle as far as the walking milestone goes.
We recently discovered Well Beginnings, a diaper brand that is exclusive to Walgreens. While Royce isn’t truly walking yet, he is very active. He crawls all over the place, and walks along furniture as well. Well Beginnings diapers have been a great choice for him during this active phase. Well Beginnings diapers have a soft, stretchable waist that offers a snug hold to his body as he moves around, preventing leaks or blowouts. Well Beginnings diapers are a value alternative to big brands. They are available for $6.99 per package so you can save the remainder to spend on more important things for your baby.
Saving money is always in the back of my mind. I don’t want to spend more than I have to, but I also don’t want to compromise quality, especially when it comes to children’s items. Here are 5 ways to save money on baby expenses without compromising on quality.
1. Save money on diapers with Well Beginnings diapers from Walgreens. Just 6.99 a pack, and according to a Good Housekeeping test, they are more absorbent than Huggies!
2. Save money on baby clothing through thrift stores or yard sales. Many people get so much newborn or infant clothing at their baby shower that they don’t get a chance to use it quick enough. Or in my family, we buy bigger sizes based on age, but then the baby doesn’t stay within the size that suits their age, so the winter clothing is the wrong size when winter hits. When it comes to baby clothing it’s easy to find clothing that is brand new with tags being sold at an incredible discount.
3. Save money by buying less. Only buy what you need. Most moms have that experience of registering for some kind of baby gear that they don’t end up using. For example, I have seen the “registry suggestion” list that the big baby stores hand out. It recommends having three types of strollers. That would definitely be overkill for most moms in my area (in a rural area of the mid-west). On the other hand, moms in urban areas who regularly walk or take the subway might need multiple stroller options. Every mom is different, so just do your best to access your personal needs vs taking recommendations of others who might parent differently.
4. Save money with sales and coupons. Nearly everything goes on sale from time to time. In advance of a larger purchase such as a car seat or high chair, watch prices so you can determine true sales from ones that have the price marked up so it can be marked down. Keep an eye on the newspaper and store flyers for coupons on items like baby food and pacifiers.
5. Save money by skipping greeting cards. Request a signed book at your baby shower in place of a greeting card. Greeting cards are not cheap and most of us toss them out. I’ve been to baby showers where on the invite it requests that a book is put in with the gift instead of a greeting card. It’s a great way to build up a library for your little one, and it avoids the expense and waste of the thrown out greeting cards.
Do you have advice for finding the best value on necessities for your baby? I’d love to hear your tips.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Well Beginnings.
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 63 responses.
Even though I do not have kids of my own, I have heard the woes of spending on newborns. This is such a huge help.
We definitely have been shopping rummage sales & thrift stores.
I’ve never used Well Beginnings. I might try them. We use Huggies right now and I’ve never used anything besides these and Pampers. I’m all for saving some money.
We are always looking to save. A baby’s first year can be very expensive.
such a great post.Really good tips to save money.
These are some really nice tips. And your baby is cho-chweet 🙂
awesome! my cousing just had a baby and this will be perfect to share with them. i’m sure they’ll be grateful to save in the first year.
Great suggestions!!! I always look for deals on diapers!!!i swear you can always find a pick on sale if you do a little searching online
We tend to go overboard with shopping for baby things when really, they’re just going to use very little. These are are wonderful tips!
I have a friend who just gave birth to her first baby and I think she’ll be needing this tips. I will share this blog to her.
We used this brand since it was easy to find at Walmart and cheap too. They did the job just right.
Coupons really help for daily necessities such as diapers and such. I should know because I’ve seen my sister waste away and we all helped her with the budget!
These are awesome ways to save especially on diapers. That is definitely one of the biggest money spenders.