Lux blox building toys

I was sent Lux Blox for inclusion in my gift guide. All opinions are my own.

I have a nephew who is now a preteen. I only see him a few times a year, but one of those times is at Christmas. With me not seeing him as much, I don’t know as much about his hobbies as I do some of the other children in my family. He’s also getting to an age where kids tend to get more picky. When thinking about what to get him for Christmas this year, I kept going back to how I knew his main interest was in Legos. However, I know he has a ton of Legos and I have no clue which sets he does or doesn’t have so I would be worried about getting him a kit he already has. I also knew that he enjoys the video game Minecraft which is based on creating or building as well.

lux blox

I thought I would try to seek out a new building-based toy that was unique from other types of building block toys. Lux Blox has a saying “A new block for a new century”. Their blocks somewhat resemble a pound-sign or hashtag. Some of the ends have small ends that run perpendicular to the rest of the piece. These end pieces allow two pieces to hold together at the connection point, while still moving otherwise. In a sense, the two pieces form a ‘hinge’ where they connect while still allowing the pieces to move, similar to a door or a cupboard. This ability for pieces to continue to move allows for truly unique creations compared to other forms of building toys. Here is a video that can help visualize Lux Blox and what can be done with them.

My nephew is a smart and creative kid. I am excited to see what unique things he builds with his Lux Blox set. Lux Blox can be purchased online. The website has free shipping now through Christmas!



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