I was sent Devotion vodka for review. All opinions are my own.
Ryan enjoys having a drink from time to time, but he’s also really careful with his calorie intake. Since he started counting calories about a year and a half ago, he switched to vodka when he does drink. He always mixes the vodka with a diet soda or other sugar-free drink to keep it as low calorie as possible. Vodka is lower in calorie than most other forms of alcohol. I recently discovered Devotion Vodka which offers both pure and flavored vodkas that are all free from added sugar. They are all gluten-free as well. Devotion Vodka is currently the only vodka that comes with a nutrition label on the bottle which we love, too. It’s even made in America!
As a gift for Ryan I picked out three flavored Devotion Vodkas.
Ryan is a fan of coconut so I went with Devotion Coconut Vodka as my first pick. The Devotion website recommends mixing this vodka with a diet cola and some lime juice to make “coco-cola”.
I also chose Devotion Black and Blue. This vodka is also no-sugar-added. It is the only vodka on the market that has a combination of blueberry and blackberry flavoring. Ryan likes both blackberries and blueberries so I thought this was another good choice for him. I’m not quite sure what he will choose to mix this one with seems how it doesn’t go well with any sodas that I could think of. In the past he has mixed vodka with flavored water, so I thought maybe a blueberry flavored water might work as a mixer for this one? We’ll see how creative he gets with it!
Last, I chose wild cherry. Ryan regularly buys diet cherry colas, so I thought mixing this with a diet cherry cola, or even just a regular diet cola would be a fun twist on that.
These bottles are all quite slim so they would work as a stocking stuffer, a gift, or just to have on hand for relaxing during holiday celebrations.
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 10 responses.
I know someone on my Christmas gift list who would love this. Thank you for sharing.
I don’t drink anymore so had no idea Vodka contained sugar! I love the flavors you chose…sounds like they’ll make great drinks!
These are really pretty bottles. I have some jewelry made from wine bottles so look for the pretty ones. I don’t drink but I bet some of these flavored vodkas would appeal to my guests that did.
I have never seen this before, the bottle it self looks amazing and very catchy for the eye ! Thank you for sharing this with me ! 🙂
These sound like a great idea. Ive never heard of these before, so thank you for sharing.I think these would be helpful to have on hand for the holiday season.
This is so interesting. I will have to tell my husband about it. I think he would like this as a change. Thank you for the review.
I love that these are gluten free. My mother lives with us and has celiac disease. My husband likes to fix her drinks for the holidays but it’s hard to know which liquor she can have and vodka can go both ways. I think she would love the wild cherry flavor with coke.
I can’t handle vodka, lol. I can do beer and wine coolers and wine that’s my limit. And not much at that!
I love the bottle designs! Alcohol really is the best gift because it can be enjoyed right away and ultimately saves money, if they were going to drink anyway. Great idea!
This is such a great idea. I would of never thought of anything like this. Thanks so much for the idea..