Sending a big thank you to Oribel for sending us these fun VertiPlay Toys for review.
If there is one thing I don’t need, it’s more clutter on my floor. Don’t get me wrong. I know my kids enjoy their toys and I’m not going to go crazy and throw everything out (even though the thought has crossed my mind). It’s just that I really get excited when companies come up with other options too. One company in particular that has offered a variety of innovative items just so happens to be Oribel. I first discovered this company when we were lucky enough to review their PortaPlay Activity Center first hand back in 2015. In short, it was absolutely awesome. Then I became an even bigger fan when they added some great accessories for the PortaPlay that help customize and allow it to be used even longer. But today, I wanted to share their newest line with you.
The Oribel VertiPlay Wall Toys offer a new dimension of fun while keeping the floor clutter free. Designed with a specially made adhesive film backing, each selection from the VertiPlay line offers clutter free fun that can be positioned on the wall, moved, and shifted without causing any damage!
We received a variety of VertiPlay pieces and installation for each was basically the same. Simply make sure the area is clean (I wiped the walls down with a dry towel to make sure there was no dust), peel off the backing, and press onto the spot! That’s it!
Originally, I had split the toys between two walls but by the end of the day, I decided to have them all in one central location. Moving them was simple as they peeled off and re-stuck without any issue.
While my five kiddos left the toys alone on the wall, except for actually playing with them, part of my decision to move them to one location was because a family that came to visit us had a 1 1/2 year old who ripped several of our VertiPlay Toys off the wall and was carrying them around. Thankfully he didn’t damage them at all but I decided to group them for my sanity.
I love walking into the living room and seeing the kids enjoy these new wall toys. I really like the affordable pricing and idea behind it but I do worry how well they will continue to stick if they keep getting pulled down by visitors. I’d love to see Oribel turn these into a more permanent wall toy because I don’t mind filling a few screw holes after watching my kids enjoy things for years and I’m fairly confident these would continue being a hit as long as they stay affixed to the walls. Plus the clutter free design will always be a huge plus in my book!
Buy It: Head over to Oribel to learn more about all they offer.
DISCOUNT: Be sure to use the code code VERTI10 to receive a 10% discount, valid from today through February 28th, 2017. As always on the Oribel website, there is free shipping on orders over $100.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Oribel on Facebook, and follow them on Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest news and promotions.
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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These are so neat!! I love that they are easy to unstick and move!! They look like so much fun to play with!! Like the ones at the drs office but at home 😉