You know, I used to consider myself a good friend.  We’d get together for game nights, talk on the phone, shop, and do other things that friends do.  Then, I got married and had a baby.  Being the first in my small group of friends to make that leap from child to adult was fairly seamless.  I mean, a small baby was easily transportable.  But once that little one began to crawl, both her world and mine began to change.  Then came baby number two.  The visits and outings became fewer in number and farther in between.  Yet we still made a point to get together every few months.  But now.  Now life is busy.  More years have passed and I’m sorry but I’m no longer a good friend.  I can’t be right now.  Instead, just call me mom.  That is now my number one priority in life.  I’ve always felt God calling me to this “job” and I’ve welcomed it with open arms.

Seasons In Life ~ Just Call Me Mom - A mother's ramblings of days gone by, friendship, and times to come.

Five kids, whom I absolutely adore and would have more if only our doctor would have given us a green light after my 4th c-section, keep me quite busy.  Add in cooking, home schooling, music lessons, life on the farm, and the fact that we became licensed foster parents last year, and there are just no more hours in the day.  Some days, I barely have enough energy to even be a wife!

But some day I will, once again be a good friend.  While I’m relishing in the joys of today, I also look forward to the time where my husband and I will finally slow down.  The days where we can take a little vacation, just the two of us.  To be quite frank, I’m most looking forward to sitting down to a hot meal that’s served to me and that I get to consume while it’s still just that…!  While I’m a little scared to grow old and grey, I’m also looking forward to all the joys and blessings that will come along with it.  The time to be a wife and, once again, to be a good friend.  But for now, I’m going to enjoy my role as Mom.  As I know that even though some days are long, the years are short.  One day, the little patter of feet, small hands offering up hugs, and that unconditional joy and innocence that young children have will no longer be a part of my every day life.  I will need a friend to help me walk through those changes and I’ll gladly come along side you as well.  Then we will catch up, talk about years gone by, and, once again, be great friends.



This post currently has 7 responses.

  • Deborah D

    You have the cutest children. Enjoy this time because it passes much too quickly.

  • Jeanine Carlson

    You are so right. It goes by in a flash! Keep doig what you are doing- that’s the most important job you could have for now!

  • Peggy Nunn

    What beautiful thoughts from your heart. The irony of it is now I am retired and want to be a friend again but most of the people in my life have children and still can only be a part time friend to me. I still try to keep up with them on their schedule. We understand you don’t have time… we were there once.

  • Amber Ludwig

    I think that you can be both!! Thankfully most of my friends understand that I am just busy being a kick butt Mom 😉 But I am still here when they need someone to talk to!! I may not always have face to face time but I always have an ear open!!

  • Sarah L

    Seasons of life keep changing. Love your kids while they’re around.

  • ellen beck

    Enjoy every second while they are young. There is nothing like those small hands hugging you or wanting to be around. Sure, it is messy, it can be ‘adult’ lonely, but you only get one shot at them being small and guiding and being there..
    Mine is grown now, I still dont have friends, but like you I focused on kids. I have to take the time to go make friends again.

  • Lissa Crane

    This was well stated! I feel the same way & I know that a true friend will still be there and will understand!

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