Are you planning a co-ed baby shower? Here are some awesome game ideas for a couple’s shower. As you can see from the pictures we had games for both the guys and the ladies. Everyone got involved and had lots of fun!
Daddy Diaper Derby ~ Just the guys participated in this game. I had stations of items around the front lawn – an area with a baby, a diaper, a hat, a onesie and a blanket. The guys had to race around the front yard picking up the items and then stop at a ‘changing table’ where they had to put all the items appropriately on their baby and then race to the finish line.
For added silliness they raced complete with pregnant balloon bellies. The guys in our friend group are super competitive, so this was a ton of fun! We got some great pictures and laughs out of this game!
In Her Shoes Game ~ In advance, I asked all of the guys to bring or wear a large t-shirt to the party. I also asked them to bring shoes with strings. For this game, I had them don their t-shirts, take off their shoes and sit down in a lawn chair.
To help them feel what a pregnant woman goes through, I had to put a blown up balloon under their shirt. On the count of three they had to put on and tie both shoes, without popping their balloon. First person to complete the task won. This game went quickly, and the guys were very willing to partake in the fun!
Pacifier Toss ~ We played this game twice – once with the guys and once with the girls. We had the girls make a circle and play first (to help give the guys some ideas of what to use). The game is simple – every time you get the pacifier tossed to you, you have to name a baby item. Any kind of item associated with a baby (onesie, pacifier, crib, bottle, bib, etc., etc., etc.).
The goal of this game was to pay attention to the baby items already named because if you named an item already said or couldn’t think of a baby item in five seconds you were out. We played until there was one winner.
Switcheroo ~ We played this game with the girls. I gifted the mother-to-be a basket filled with supplies she needed for baby. She walked around the group with the supplies in the basket a few times and then she went out of the room with the basket.
While she was walking around I told the ladies to “pay attention” and “remember what you see”. Most of the women assumed that they were remembering what was in the basket, when in reality they needed to remember things about the mother-to-be!
When she left the room I handed out the piece of paper with questions about her on it. It had twenty questions, some were just fun facts about her, like her birthday, her due date and what she felt the baby’s gender was. Other questions were things like “Were her toenails painted?”, “What color are her eyes?”, “Was she wearing earrings?”, “What color was her top”, etc.
The ladies were surprised by the switch in what they thought the game would be and seemed to enjoy it.
This is the second post of the series. You can find my first Couple’s Baby Shower Game Idea Post HERE.
Hi, my name is Asha. I am 34-years-old and am a nurse by profession. Right now I am battling Breast Cancer. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and together we have a sweet seven-year-old daughter, a fun four-year-old son, and a lovable bunny named Caramel. I enjoy spending time with family, taking photographs, scrapbooking, hunting, fishing, cooking and gardening.
This post currently has 4 responses.
Looks like a lot of fun….. BUT I think this would work for the baby shower for just friends. A lot of families have older relatives and they are not up to or into doing games like this.
Agreed. The game ideas are probably more for a friend shower than a family shower – unless you have a super young/fun family 🙂
This sounds like so much fun! I wish I had seen it before we had my daughters shower, some of these games would be fun.
Those are great ideas for games. I like them tying their shoes. Too bad they were not able to try and get up out of a soft chair. Thank you for the ideas.