Now that April is upon us, Easter is just around the corner. As I finish up those Easter baskets, I’ve turned to NCircle Entertainment to top our kids’ baskets with some of their newest DVD releases and I’m happy to partner with them today and offer a giveaway to our readers as well! I love having fun and educational DVDs on hand that I can let our kids watch from time to time and NCircle Entertainment is where I often turn to help me out.
In Dino Dan Trek’s Adventrues Dino Go Seek, kids get to join junior dino expert Trek Henderson as he uses his imagination to see dinosaurs right next to him in the real world. While he plays an indoor game of hide-and-seek with friends, Trek discovers Microraptors use their natural ability to hide. Also included on this DVD in addition to Dino Go Seek is: Train of Dinos, Robots & Dinos, Dino Clash, and Dino Racing. With a running time of 60 minutes, kids will be enthralled the whole way through as they get up close and personal with dinosaurs and learn more about the dromaeosaurus, troodon, kosmoceratops, and dracorex.
Next up, Let’s Go Pocoyo Playtime! is sure to be a hit with the younger crowd. Kids get to embark on 11 different playtime adventures with little Pocoyo and his friends where they learn that it’s important to enjoy playtime with others. Friends can play hide-and-seek, dress up as pirates, and so many other fun things where playtime and laughter go hand in hand. Children will enjoy themselves so much that they won’t even realize they are learning as each episode features a refresher session where the key words are covered again.
Finally, we have Sonic Underground Volume 2. Sonic the Hedgehog has been a favorite for years and kids get to join Sonic and his siblings on the fight to be reunited with their long-lost mother, Queen Aleena. Adventures abound as Sonic, Sonia, and Manic race to recover the crown jewel before Dr. Robotnik. With over 7 hours of viewing content, this second and final set showcases many of the best Sonic episodes that will please Sonic fans everywhere.
Buy It: Head over to NCircle Entertainment to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to like NCircle Entertainment on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, and subscribe to their You Tube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.
Win It: NCircle Entertainment is generously offering one of our lucky readers a DVD prize pack consisting of these three DVDs! UPDATE: They have now added a SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog Watch, Hat, and Wallet to this prize package! This giveaway is open to the US and Canada and will end April 21st, 2017. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 2 responses.
I would love to have Sid the Science Kid: Learn & Play with Sid or any other of the Sid the Science Kid videos. I love science and like sharing that with my kids.