Thank you to Mother Dirt for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to myself.
How often do we talk about getting rid of bacteria? Bacteria often gets such a bad name, only as the cause of disease and sickness. But what if we thought about bacteria they way it really works, there’s good and bad bacteria. Bacteria all have roles in our day, and since the bad bacteria get so much light why don’t we open up the conversation on good bacteria! Mother Dirt is company aiming to do just that!
In the same way our intestinal tract is reliant on beneficial bacteria to operate efficiently our skin has that same reliance on beneficial bacteria, it’s called our skin biome. The beneficial bacteria get a great host and our skin receives multitudes of benefits from the bacteria, it’s a win win. Mother dirt is a company providing skin biome friendly product for everyday use. Biome friendly products mean that instead of destroying healthy beneficial bacteria, it provides a neutral happy space for them. Washing your body is something almost everyone does with biome destroying soap. Healthy bacteria need support to help serve your body well. Using the Mother Dirt Cleanser can offer very clean skin without any stripping of oils of good bacteria. This soap didn’t dry my skin out at all in fact it felt more slippery after applying!
We need to start with Mother Dirt’s AO+mist. The AO+mist is full of live probiotics and its use is for, well, everywhere. You can spray the mist anywhere your skin is struggling. Your armpit aroma a bit strong? Send in some peacekeeping bacteria! Face skin rough and dry the AO+mist has been said to increase softness, and moisture level of skin.
Our scalp is full of bacteria, oils and skin. Here and there we need to clear out the extra oils and dead skin but when traditionally done with bacteria destroying shampoos we really cause damage and disrupt a previously friendly bacteria space. Mother Dirt’s shampoo encourages a healthy scalp biome. I really liked the lather of this shampoo as well as the clean feeling I experienced after use. While transitioning Im still using conditioners but most people express no need for conditioner. Pictured below is the shampoo in my hand, very concentrated stuff a little goes a long way!
Moisturizer is a big deal for me, I really felt like I needed it all the time and a lot of it. Mother Dirt has moisturizer that when squirted is similar to applying a thin oil to your face. Again the moisturizer is biome friendly so I was able to apply the AO+mist either before or after moisturizing with no damaging worries. The mist always felt cool and refreshing as I kept it in the fridge to sustain the probiotics within the mist. After misting my face I needed to let the moisture evaporate and then I was on my way. I felt that the AO+mist helped aid my skin in healing my dry rough patches along with some healthy sunshine now that its warmer here in Michigan.
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 10 responses.
I have never heard of Mother Dirt before. Interesting. I would like to try the mist.
What an interesting product, I love the name! I have always known that keeping kids too sanitary makes their immune system weak, dirt is a good thing! 🙂 As is bacteria, I am definitely interested in trying these products. Thanks for sharing!
Wow this sounds amazing.i reall meet to check this out and nut some
I’ve never thought about probiotics for my skin before. We learn new stuff all the time!
This totally new to me but it sounds so right. We use so many different products that have to take from our skin. Hopefully you will have a giveway on these products because I would love to try them.
Interesting concept. I believe in letting kids play in the dirt.
I am loving that people are realizing finally that dirt is NOT bad. I have always felt in this world now there is so much made out of ‘clean’ that kids arent exposed to bacterias, and it leads to allergies that previous generations never had.
I like the idea of all of it. I like the shampoo ad can see just how concentrated that is. This is a line I wouldnt mind trying.
I have not heard of Mother Dirt. I will have to check it out. I am interested in the moisturizer for my face. Thank you for the review.