I received Baby Alive Doll Accessories to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.
Our 2 1/2 year old daughter is completely infatuated with babies. Whenever we have a foster baby in our home, she is the biggest little helper around. If there’s a bottle to be made, she’s ready to shake. Diaper changing time, she’s running ahead of me to get out a new diaper. If the baby cries, she’s the first one there to give a pacifier, pat their back, or shake a rattle. So it comes as no surprise that she also adores dolls. She’s a great little mommy and I love encouraging her by adding a few fun accessories to her line up.
Strollers for the youngest mommies are a must have around here. I really like this Baby Alive stroller because it’s small in stature, easy to push, and folds compactly for storage and travel. Plus, it came fully assembled, which is always a big plus in my department. This stroller features a belt to secure dolly, canopy, and even a small storage basket underneath. Designed for dolls up to 21″ long, this stroller is lightweight and easy to fold.
Baby Alive Doll Deluxe High Chair
Another important aspect to taking care of babies is feeding them! So having a doll highchair on hand is just the thing that our little mommy likes to utilize when she plays. This particular Baby Alive High Chair is lightweight while also featuring a buckle, removable tray, and height adjustable seat. The steel tube frame should hold up to all the play that kids will give while the lightweight design makes it easy to move. Assembly was quite easy and we were ready for play in just 5 minutes. The one change I’d love to see in the design is a deeper seat for the baby to sit in. Since the tray doesn’t have a bar in the middle, our little dollies will slide out if we don’t utilize the buckle. However, our 2 1/2 year old seems to have no trouble slipping baby into the harness so no babies have hit the floor yet!
Win It: We are excited to share that the sponsor is offering one of our lucky readers their very own Baby Alive Duo of the Stroller and High Chair featured above! This giveaway is open to the US only and will end July 15th, 2017. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 112 responses.
This is so cute! My niece would loce it!
be great to get this it would get wore out triplet girls
Thanks for the review! My youngest daughter (almost 2) is also REALLY into babies at the moment. I’m shopping for her birthday which is the end of the month, and really appreciate the info on these great baby accessories 🙂
My daughter loves Baby alive, she wants furniture for x-mas.
I remember having a Baby Alive when I was little and absolutely loved her. I know my two girls have been bugging me forever for one of their own! This really brings my childhood back!
I have great memories of having a Baby Alive when I was small! I can’t wait to get some for my daughter!
my daughter whom is a 11 still loves to play with her dolls, this is what she needs to go along with her baby alive, In a world where kids grow up too fast, its great to know my daughters and others still love to just play
This would be great for the grand kids to play and so glad that they love playing dolls
My daughter would love one for her birthday coming uo
How cute are these my niece would love it for her daughter so cute. I like how they do look well made and the design on the fabric is cute.
Such a great memory of my childhood was using my imagination to play with my dolls and I hope to share this with my family! Love these products and brings back great memories.