Thank you to ThunderSnap for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to me.
Having a great dane means having a lot of patience during the puppy years. Great dane’s bodies grow so incredibly fast! Being excited for a walk or leash time at all, results in a bit of me or my kids fumbling to get the leash attached because he’s so wiggly and happy. Once the wiggling comes almost every time one of us gets stepped on or knocked over in our pup Pharaoh’s anticipation.
I was sent the ThunderSnap Quick Connect leash for review. Some of the coolest features with the ThunderSnap Quick Connect is that it can be used with any collar you already have. For our great dane we have both a collar and a harness depending on his mood and the environment we plan on taking him in. The ThunderSnap comes with a piece that attaches to the collar and the matching leash.
When your ready to go for a walk you just need to get the leash attachment close enough to the collar attachment and they will connect securely instantly. Now with having great dane that puts some weight in his pulling at times I can attest to the strength that is behind the magnetic connection. As easy as the disconnect is with the ThunderSnap Quick Connect it’s hard to believe that when connected the leash can support up to 300 pounds of pull force! A simple pull of the grey portion allows the pieces to come apart. We have done some testing within the car and out and about and not yet have we experienced an accidental disconnect!
With pull force typically comes sore hands, but with the ThunderSnap, they integrated some very cushiony material to the handle portion.
The only issue we have experienced thus far was recently camping we had a sandier site and when the leash portion fell into the sand it needed to be knocked out or wiped before trying to insert again. I would integrate an indestructible material for the leash portion for those feisty pups who aren’t quite familiar to the leash and like to chew here and there when you aren’t paying attention.
Over all my whole family loves being able to quickly connect and start walking with our pup and reduce the amount of dog toe nail in human foot incidents. Our kids (aged 3 and 5) are able to quickly connect and disconnect the leash as well. No longer do I need to worry about my training, currently skittish, young at heart great dane pulling and potentially breaking his bolt type leash anymore around new pups or friends!
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 3 responses.
My dog is very small but it is incredible the amount of force he can exert when he wants at something that he shouldn’t.
I really like this attachment. We also have a large dog that goes between collar and harness. Ours is a puller, always has been and wears a martingale. He goes nuts about squirrels and snakes. I think this would be ideal. It looks a lot easier than the others you have to sometimes struggle with!
This sounds like an awesome leash! It is pretty amazing that other works with just a magnetic connection and can withstand up to 300 lbs of weight! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂