I received the Boulevard Clicktight Seat from Britax in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.
July is almost over which means that the big Britax Stars And Stripes Event is nearing an end too! There’s never going to be a better time than right now to pick up an amazing car seat for your child and Britax has a great selection to choose from. And the best part is that the Starts And Stripes Event means that you can receive 25% off select seats! But hurry, this big sale ends July 30th. Participating Retailers Include: Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, Target, Amazon (online only), Kohl’s (online only), and Walmart (online only).
When I was pregnant with our first daughter, I knew NOTHING about car seats. We literally went to Target and, because they were in between changing merchandise, had two choices that day. There wasn’t a single seat even on display. So we took our best guess and bought a travel system. Well, less than a year later, we were once again on a hunt. Still not any more knowledgeable, we took a second shot in the dark. Can you guess what happened? By the time she was 3, she had, once again, outgrown another seat. So this time, we got smart. I did a ton of research and became well accustomed with the Britax brand and how highly rated it was. So we finally made an education decision and purchased our very first Britax seat, the Regent.
The Britax mission is to be the leader and innovator to inspire and enable families to travel safely. Ever since that first purchase, I’ve been a big fan of Britax. From there, our family has purchased several seats over the years including their Frontier85. But today, I want to share their Boulevard ClickTight with you.
- Safe & Snug Clicking Harness Indicator
- Multiple Recline Positions
- Rear Facing & Forward Facing Capabilities (Means this one car seat can take your child from birth through toddler-hood!)
- Made In The USA
- SafeCell Protection
- Impact Absorbing Harness
- Auto-Level Indicators To Ensure The Seat Is Installed At The Correct Angle (Shows levels for both rear and forward facing.)
- 14 Potion Quick Adjust Harness (No re-threading!!!! If you’ve never experienced this feature it is a MUST HAVE!)
- LATCH storage
- Impact Absorbing Base
- High Quality Design
- 2 Layers Of Side Impact Protection
- ClickTight Easy Installation (Makes installing a BREEZE as the seat lifts open to run the buckle!)
- Integrated Steel Frame
The Boulevard ClickTight is what is known as a “convertible car seat”. This means that it can safely fit a child rear-facing from 5-40 pounds and then can be flipped forward facing to accommodate kids from 20-65 pounds. With the newest American Academy of Pediatrics safety guidelines saying it’s best to keep infants and toddlers rear facing till at least 2 years old, this seat can help make it happen. Our 2 1/2 year old daughter can still easily fit rear-facing in this seat and leg room isn’t an issue as she just sits criss-cross applesauce.
Buy It: Head over to Britax Sales Event right now to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Britax on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest news and promotions.
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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My son learned to buy a better brand with more growing options on the second child too. This system has many good features.