Thank you to Gutter Glove for Providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions belong to me!
Household maintenance and repairs seem to be never ending! I wish someone might have mentioned that workload before we bought our house. Anyways my husband and I are always looking for ways to help our home be more efficient and less demanding of our time. Gutter Glove provides us time together and safety in one product. Made from stainless steel these gutter guards will last for a long long time. There are two layers of micro mesh to help block things like pine needles, roof sand grit, and leaves. Our house is beneath not only a pine tree but also a couple of other tress that sprinkle leafs and seed pods.
Not owning our own ladder we borrow my mother in laws to do “Gutter Day”. Normally either my husband or I climb onto our steeper roof, get scratched up from the shingles and proceed to unsafely lean over the edge doing our best to scoop and drop piles of gutter clogs down to the pavement below.
After scooping everything out we then move onto spraying it out to remove all the roof grit and finally need to clean up our cement patio below covered in gutter grossness. Needless to say despite our home being smaller we set aside a whole day to clean all of our gutters at least 3 times a year depending on how the trees behave that year!
With our house also being set on top of a hill we have underground gutter systems.
Our roof gutter leads down into a pipe that flows under ground and away from the house to provide our basement with a better chance at staying dry. We have lived at our house for about 4 years and need to clean those underground pipes at least once every two years and that process really extends the gutter clean out day. The most recent cleaning resulted in the picture below. Tons and tons of roof grit were packed in there along with plant matter, leaf pieces and more. As you can see Gutter Glove was more than needed in our home gutter set up!
Gutter Glove is a simple system that’s easy for any home owner to install themselves. No matter your type of gutter system or layout, the Gutter Gloves are designed to function properly in any situation. With a very detailed user and install guide, we had no fret about how to install our Gutter Gloves.
The pictures within helped us determine that our gutter system matched Diagram A. Following the step by step instruction of Diagram A style was easy and simple and only took my husband about 3 hours to completely install, given that we needed to make quite a few corner adjustments.
We were able to use the sticky strip (red line) provided and avoided the use of screws, although all screws needed are included with each box.
Now that we have these installed we are no longer having to clean out our underground gutters nor are we needing to climb the borrowed ladder and scoop and rinse the gutters. The micro mesh easily filters out all the yuck and lets water through. Once the leaves, needles and seed pods set on top of the gutter for a sunny day they all dry out and the wind blows the debris off the mesh so it can continue its process over and over again with no effort from us the home owners! Not only does the Gutter Glove system offer more family time but it also adds value to our home when we do decide to sell it!
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 4 responses.
What I don’t understand is why all gutters are fitted with these screens to begin with. It is a lot of work and people have got hurt doing it.
This is what this home needs. I am amazed on all the junk it can help keep out. and how easy this was to install .
@tisonlyme143 -
This looks like a great product. I would love to have something that would keep me from having to clean out my gutters because I especially hate climbing that darn ladder!
That looks like a great product for homeowners. I live in a townhouse and ‘they’ take care of things like this.