Okay, okay so I might not actually be smuggling pumpkins this Halloween but it may certainly appear that way! We found out we are going to be expecting an addition to our family in March of 2018! I will be 21 weeks pregnant or as my husband requests I rephrase it as, 5 months and 1 week pregnant. So what does that mean for me personally? I’d love to share!
The First Trimester
Most people know the first trimester entails vomit and fatigue. Given that this is my third pregnancy I was curious how I would feel. With my first who was my son, I was sick all the time, I threw up every single morning for what felt like eternity. I credit some of that sickness to not eating as healthy of a diet as I could have been. With my daughter which was my second pregnancy I felt nauseous but only actually got sick maybe 2 or 5 times. I was also eating much cleaner by that pregnancy. So this pregnancy, I spent the first three and a half months with extreme nausea, it didn’t matter if I ate right when I woke, or what I ate really. I also suffer from something called Pubic Symphasis Disorder during pregnancy and unfortunately I feel that pain much earlier than most in pregnancy as I didn’t have it corrected in my last two pregnancies. PSD is basically where due to the hormone relaxin that your body produces during pregnancy to soften joints, ligament and bones the pelvic bones also begins to stretch and split. Proper sitting and certain precautions along with A1 chiropractic care are helping that pain though! Those first three months were a doozy to say the least. My poor husband came home to a trashed house everyday and made dinner every night after work! I’m truly grateful.
The Second Trimester
This Friday I will be 18 weeks along. The second trimester is often thought of as the break between the nausea and the soon to be giant feeling in the third trimester. So I am doing my best to treat it as a break and relish in the face that I’m not nauseous anymore. Even more exciting starting at about 16 weeks I’ve been able to feel the baby move! Truly one of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is feeling the baby move and wondering what they are doing in there or how what I’m doing effects their little day. I feel most of the movement about 30 minutes after eating. Being that I’m on the thinner side my husband has been able to place his hand over my belly and feel those movements too! My husband always says he jealous that I get so much intimate time with the baby by carrying it the whole 9 months and feeling it from the inside.
So that is how I’m feeling right now regarding pregnancy other than that my family is gearing up for some big changes hopefully with a move soon to accommodate our larger growing family or if we can’t find the right place we might just add onto our current home, just depends on which wins over our hearts and wallets.
We are choosing a Doula for our birth and I would love to discuss with you next month how and why we chose ours!
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 23 responses.
Awwwwww! Congratulations!!!
Well congratulations. I am glad you are feeling better. I look forward to hearing about your pregnancy.
Congratulations! I also suffered from PSD during my pregnancies and it’s just AWFUL! I hope you’re able to get some relief. CST in addition to chiropractic was helpful for me!
Congratulations I am so happy for you and your family. I have never heard of PSD until I read this post. I hope you continue to get some relief from the pain.
Oh the joy! I am so happy for you (and isn’t this a cute post). PSD sounds sort of dreadful, though I sometimes think that if anyone ever told the truth about the whole enterprise then no women would ever undertake it. My mantra was “it’s all worth it”; be well, be happy!
I’m glad you’re over the nausea part. Never fun. Happy rest of your pregnancy and baby making.
Congratulations! Have a great rest of your pregnancy!
Congratulations! I wish you and baby all the best. Can’t wait to read all about it.
Nausea is a bummer. Glad you don’t have it as often now. -
Congratulations to you and your family! Second trimester truly is the best- no more being sick, feeling the baby move and in general feeling pregnant but great. I cant wait to see the baby pictures!
Congratulations on your third baby!! 🙂 I had my third over 3 years ago, even though it seems like it was yesterday. I am probably one of 5 he rare few that never threw up once during all 3 of my pregnancies. I did feel quite sick and weak those first three months, so I know how that feels. It is especially hard when you already have kids to take care of during this time.
Oh, what a cute baby bump! I hope your pain subsides and your joy increases each day! Best of luck!