Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

I received product from Chicago Metallic to facilitate this post.  All opinions are my own.

The holiday season bring so much.  First there’s Thanksgiving in November, then Christmas in December, and finally the usually big anticipated New Years that rounds off the old year and rings in the new.  So with all these festivities brings family, friends, parties, and fun.  Now, even though most people love the gatherings, this can be a very stressful time if you’re in charge of all the food.  Thankfully, it seems like the norm these days is a potluck style where everyone chips in and brings a dish.  So this year, no matter if you enjoy baking and cooking or not, Chicago Metallic has some great pans, accessories, and more to help!

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

Let’s Make Tea Cakes!

First up, we have the Chicago Metallic Tea Cake Pan. Perfectly suited to help you create bite size, delicious treats. And, they even offer up a simple recipe on their site!  So try making some Lemon Tea Cakes today!

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes Pan

Lemon tea cake recipe homemade dessert

4.9 from 30 reviews
Lemon Tea Cakes
Recipe type: Dessert
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 20
  • 3 Large Egg Yolks
  • 3 Egg Whites
  • 4½ teaspoons Lemon Juice
  • ½ cup Sugar
  • Pinch Of Salt
  • ½ cup Cake Flour
  1. Start by pre-heating your oven to 300 degrees.
  2. Lightly coat your Chicago Metallic Tea Cake Pan with cooking spray.
  3. In a small bow, combine egg yolks, lemon juice, and sugar. Beat until thick. Set aside.
  4. In another bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Add salt and then continue beating until they peak.
  5. Gently fold egg yolk mixture into the egg white mixture.
  6. Sift flour over egg mixture about a tablespoon at a time, gently folding after each addition.
  7. Divide batter into pan equally among the 20 cups.
  8. Bake 25-28 minutes or till done.
  9. Invert pan and cool completely.
  10. Carefully remove from pan by loosening edges with a plastic knife and lightly guiding cakes out.
  11. Top each teacake middle with topping of your choice. (Whipped Cream, Ice Cream, Fresh Fruit, etc.)
  12. Enjoy!

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

I can NOT believe how easy these little cakes came out of the pan!  Super impressed!

Chicago Metallic Tea Cakes

Chicago Metallic also has some more handy options that would be awesome during the holidays as well as throughout the year.  Their Vintage Pie Crust Cutters are so cute and I know my daughter and I would enjoy using them when we make pies.  The set of three includes:  leaf, pumpkin, and turkey.

Chicago Metallic Vintage Pie Crust Cutters


Or serve up some delicious mini-muffins for the kids with the help of their Commercial II Non-Stick Mini Muffin Pan.

Chicago Metallic Commercial II SKU 59024 Non-Stick 24 Cup Mini Muffin Pan

Make up a batch of regular size muffins for the adults using their Commercial II Muffin Pan and gorgeous fall colored Silicone Baking Cups.

Chicago Metallic

The possibilities are endless!  The quality and variety of products that I’ve seen from Chicago Metallic Bakeware has me sold.  Even my daughter has been requesting to do more baking because she loves their pans!

Buy It: Head over to Chicago Metallic Bakeware to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Chicago Metallic on Facebook and follow them on Instagram and Pinterest for all the latest news and promotions.

This post currently has 56 responses.

  • Susan Hartman

    I do not bake much throughout the year. But what would Christmas be without the aroma of baking cookies.

  • Melissa Storms

    I need the tea cake pan. I love that it leaves the top open to fill however you like.

  • Samantha

    The chocolate drizzled on those look delicious. I never knew about tea cake baking pans, so that is new to me. I love new baking appliances to work with.

  • Amber Ludwig

    Oh these are seriously adorable!! I love that the pan makes so many!! Perfect party prep!!

  • Lauryn R

    I love the tea cake pan, this is definitely going on my wish list this year! I would definitely be making some mini strawberry shortcake bites asap. 🙂 I am also a huge fan of silicone cupcake liners, I recently bought some and they have saved me a ton on money and time!

  • Gord

    I would love these lemon tea cakes. Problem is I would eat all of them before anyone else got a chance to try them…lol! They have chocolate on them and that is a good thing!

  • Barrie

    I’ve not heard of this brand of cooking pans but I love the tea cake cooking pan! I love how easy the recipe is. My family would devour these in no time at all.

  • denise low

    Thank you for sharing. I need these to do my holiday baking with.

  • Margot C

    I’m a big baker with many baking pans, but I don’t have that tea cake pan and I think that I must have it!

  • Peggy Nunn

    I love the Tea Cake Pan. The girls will love to make them for a party. Thank you for showing these pans to us.

  • rochelle haynes

    Loving the pan and the food looks good too

  • Katie Bellamy

    These look delicious!

  • Sab Edwards

    oh LOVE those pie crust cutters and I totally love my silicone

  • Dorothy Boucher

    I know I have to start doing some baking for the up coming holiday season. I do love those baking pans. I don’t have one but if I did , It would make things easier for me.

  • Christina A.

    Fun! Your cakes look great! I really love the decorative pie cutters–those are so cute and would make the holidays more special!

  • ellen beck

    I love the way your tea cakes turned out. They look so professional. A good baking set is the right way to go if you have it. I am really loving the vintage pie crust designs. I love the metalover everything else. It really works well, and they look so nice when done.

  • Debbie Welchert

    What a great pan and recipe. I can think of so many things to fill these with. I know my whole family would love receiving a couple of these with their favorite toppings in them.

  • Michelle S

    I really like the tea cake pan. I really haven’t seen anything else like it. We do an open house on Christmas and make finger foods. These little cakes would be perfect.

  • gloria patterson

    These are some nice looking pans. BUT what else could you make in this tea cake pan? I am short on space so I like things that can be used many ways

  • shannon fowler

    This looks so delicious! I can’t believe it is already the holidays.

  • DJ

    Their baking pans and silicon cups look really nice. I do like the colors the cups come in. The crust cutters are also cute and would be fun to use with my own daughter, as she is starting to show an interest in baking now.

  • Julie Waldron

    These are so cute & look delicious. They would be great for a bridal or baby shower.

  • John Smith

    What beautiful cakes and great big pans!

  • Amber B

    Okay, these are stinking adorable and I bet they’d be a huge hit this Christmas! I will have to try making some. I’ve never used Chicago Metallic before but now I’m interested in their products, especially with how easily things come out of the pans!

  • barbg

    Those in your picture are so cute, they look pretty fancy for such simple ingredients. I would probably add a teaspoon of cinnamon to mine as I love it in desserts of all kinds.

  • I love this pan! And those tea cakes look delicious!

  • denise low

    Thank you for sharing. These look delicious and simple to make. We will have to give this recipe a try.

  • Cheryl

    I like the Commercial II Non-Stick Mini Muffin Pan.

  • Heather

    Those tea cakes would be perfect for a bridal or baby shower! What a great pan to have!

  • Amy D

    The mini tea cake pan is adorable. I go to a lot of parties where I need to bring a dish. Bringing little tea cakes would be perfect and something unique. The recipe you posted looks simple and yummy. I also love the silicone muffin wrappers, because they’re reusable and easy to bake and clean. Chicago Metallic is also a great brand.

  • katie smith

    I love these…not to mention they look so yummy with my preggo cravings and all! I really might buy a set..thanks for the great recipe and review!

  • I’m impressed how they came out of the pan too! I like these pans! Thanks for recipe. 24 little tea cakes at once helps the batch making for Christmas party.

  • I have not seen a tea cake pan before. I love the shape of the cakes and how pretty they look when filled!

  • hannah

    I’ve never heard of a tea cake, but to me these look like mini cupcakes. Great for appetizers vs a full-size dessert cupcake. And you could make them look really fancy, or just simply frost them.

  • Caitlyn

    Wow! I didn’t know tea cakes were so easy to make – how elegant and impressive. This is perfect for me to make for the holidays – thank you for sharing!

  • Caitlyn

    Wow! I didn’t know tea cakes were so easy to make – how elegant and impressive. This is perfect for me to make for the holidays – thank you for sharing!

  • rich morris

    This recipe doesn’t look that hard actually. It looks like a fun one to do with my daughter for Christmas. Aka, she can make it and I’ll taste test it 🙂

  • denise low

    This looks delicious. I know that my family would love this. thank you for sharing.

  • Cynthia C

    My family loves lemon flavored desserts. I know they would enjoy these.

  • gloria patterson

    This tea cake pan would be really nice to have. I can think of a lot of different cakes and filling … made myself hungry

  • Sarah L

    I like those little tea cakes. Bite size treats are good for parties.

  • MeMe R

    So easy my husband can do it. This look delicious. I broke my pinky yesterday and I cannot believe how limiting it is. It would be nice if my husband baked me a special treat, so I am browsing for something easy for him.

  • I love tea cakes! Everytime I entertain, shower or party, I always make sure to have tea cakes. They are great made ahead of time with the finishing touches put on at the last minute and people love them. Thank you for this recipe.

  • donna porter

    I made tea cakes for a shower a few months ago. They were a big hit with guests.

  • Rosie

    These are so nice, and I think it is the first time I’ve seen or heard of tea cakes. Their cute mini-size is perfect, if you don’t want to have too much. A regular cupcake you don’t (or can’t) leave half uneaten, this is what I want to do next time there is a shower, etc.

  • Those Lemon tea cakes sound so good. I’m sure mine wouldn’t turn out as good as yours because to be honest I get nervous when trying new recipes.

  • Tamra Gibson

    Those Lemon tea cakes sound so good. I’m sure mine wouldn’t turn out as good as yours because to be honest I get nervous when trying new recipes.

  • Tamra Gibson

    Those Lemon tea cakes sound so good. I’m sure mine wouldn’t turn out as good as yours because to be honest I get nervous when trying new recipes.

  • Tamra Gibson

    Those Lemon tea cakes sound so good. I’m sure mine wouldn’t turn out as good as yours because to be honest I get nervous when trying new recipes.

  • Tamra Gibson

    Those Lemon tea cakes sound so good. I’m sure mine wouldn’t turn out as good as yours because to be honest I get nervous when trying new recipes.

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