Winegard flatwave amped

I was sent a Winegard FlatWave Amped TV antenna for my holiday gift guide. All opinions are my own.

I have a little confession. In the 8 years that I’ve been living independently from my parents, I’ve never had cable or satellite TV. Never! I just have never felt like I could justify the monthly expense for how much we watch TV. However, since TV went from analog to digital a few years back I’ve been bummed by how few channels we get in my area. We only had a couple, and they often cut out so frequently that you can’t keep up with the storyline.

Most people I know who use TV locally have rabbit-ear antennas. The Winegard FlatWave Amped would be a great holiday gift for anyone still using an old style antenna. The FlatWave Amped is very thin and can attach to your wall. We have a very small living room, so we placed ours in the entryway between our living room and kitchen. It’s white so it blends in pretty easily. It has about a 50-mile range, so you can pick up any channels that are within 50 miles of your location.

winegard flatwave amped

The Winegard FlatWave Amped has improved the quality of some of the channels that used to cut out a lot. We’ve also gained channels that we couldn’t pick up before. Priced at $59.99, it’s far cheaper than cable and of course, it is a one time purchase instead of a monthly fee.

winegard flatwave amped

I have a couple of older people in my life who have only ever used local TV. This would be a great gift for retired people who rely on local TV for much of their entertainment. Even adding one or two extra channels can add a lot more joy to their day if they can access new shows.

Buy it: The Winegard FlatWave Amped is available on the Winegard website or

This post currently has 4 responses.

  • ellen beck

    You know we have been looking for an antenna like this. We do have cable- I hate i because not only is it expensive bu half he channels are repeats. I like how this is flat and not like rabbit ears. I need to look into this. We dont use Netflix or anything like that, but I have one show I watch and I think I could do that online.

  • Peggy Nunn

    We live in the country and have to use satellite. I want to stop that expense. This may be just what we need out here. I will show my husband and ask his opinion.

  • Michelle S

    We have two TVs not hooked to cable and can’t get any channels. This just might work for those two TVs. Thanks for sharing.

  • Cynthia R

    I would love this, our antennae is an eyesore and doesn’t pick up as clear as we want it to.

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