I was sent a WASD keyboard for review. All opinions are my own.
For our gift guide, we always try to incorporate all sorts of interests. After all, our readers have loved ones to gift for who span all sorts of interests! I typically recruit Ryan to help me with gift ideas for men. I can buy him clothing, books and practical gifts all day long. However, he has very specific interests when it comes to his leisure time so I typically need him to give me specific ideas. The top of his list this year was a mechanical keyboard.
I wasn’t familiar with what that was! He explained that mechanical keyboards have mechanical switches for each key, instead of rubber membrane pads like most low-end keyboards have. Instead of very flat keys like most modern keyboards, they have taller keys and they make a satisfying click sound when pressed. They are also very heavy. They are typically well received by PC gamers and people who work on desktop computers. Ryan is a web developer and a PC gamer so he wanted the keyboard for both purposes.
We were excited to include WASD keyboards in our gift guide because their mechanical keyboards are customizable. If you have a really specific concept in mind, you can request a sample set of keys with different switch types (essentially different feelings when pressed). They also let you customize your keyboard by color and style. Ryan has a small computer desk so he likes short keyboards. He has reviewed the VP3 61 key keyboard which is very narrow compared to his old keyboard. It is more compact and it has fewer keys. When selecting a keyboard you’ll want to look at which keys are included to make sure you have the ones that you are used to using. Ryan was not in the habit of using many of the keys on a standard keyboard so hew as happy to let them go to save space, but that is all down to your needs and preferences, of course.
You can adjust the alphanumeric layout which slightly changes where some keys are, but more so how the keys are labeled.
Ryan went with plain black as he likes simple appearances, but if you browse the WASD website you’ll see some of the awesome color combinations that can be made.
He’s been really happy with his WASD VP3 keyboard. I wasn’t sure if the clicking noise of the keys would bother me as we typically work in the same room. I have to admit I find it pleasing to listen to! It’a distinct noise but it’s not particularly loud, and I got used to it really quickly. Until it arrived, I hadn’t recognized how much my laptop keyboard makes noise as well. Neither of us typically hear it or think about it because we are just used to it. We quickly got used to the mechanical keyboard sounds as well.
If you want to give a WASD keyboard to someone, but you want them to be able to customize it, a gift certificate to WASD is a great option.
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 11 responses.
Oooh this is very interesting!! In have never heard of one! I think I used to have one at work though….very authoritative clicks lol!!! I didn’t know it was so popular in the gaming world!
I have always like mechanical keyboards due to their function-ability and that they are “yours” per se. Trying to get them to let me use one at work 😉
I like the keyboard with the colors, and yet I’m unsettled by the colors at the same time? Maybe different keyboards in different “color ways”? How about a pastel one!
This looks convenient to have!
I never heard of this nut i know my husband would want one of these
These almost look like some of the very first keyboards! I remember when the keys were taller. I had no idea they were called mechanical keyboards though. You gave a great explanation what they are and who would need one!
I’d never heard of a mechanical keyboard before this but it’s definitely going on my list of potential gift ideas for my husband! He used to be more of a gamer and has cut back now that we have kids, but I can totally see him appreciating something like this.
I’ve never heard of this type of keyboard but it sounds really neat. This would make a great gift for my husband!
I have not heard of that keyboard. I had not thought of how different keyboards are. I will have to look into it.
Great keyboard! I do like that they have taller keys. My hubby works in the computer field and this keyboard would be much more comfortable to work with for him.
I have never heard of mechanical keyboards either, how cool! You just gave me the perfect gift idea for my dad too. 🙂 He is a level designer for computer games and is on his desktop a lot, he also loves raised keys on a keyboard. Thank you so much for sharing this!