100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children {Review}

I partnered with Tommy Nelson Publishing to bring you this post.  All opinions are my own.

Even though my heart wants to make Bible verses a part of my daily life, opening my Bible each day has always been a challenge.  There are always so many excuses not to.  I’m don’t have time in the morning.  We have an appointment.  Everyone is running late.  I’m just too tired.  I don’t know which verses to use.  Etc.   And those excuses are easy to come by.  However, I really wanted to strive to make a change for myself and my family.  So I went on the hunt for a book that would make it easier for me to incorporate Bible versus in our entire family’s daily life.  And thanks to Tommy Nelson Publishing, I found it.

100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children {Review}

Memorizing Scripture

A couple years ago, the entire family memorized a few passages.  We started with the well-known verse from John 3:16.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”  We moved on to doing the entire 23rd Psalm.  That one took us just under a month.  But it was so awesome to see even our younger children speak the word of God from memory.  And then life took over, excuses came, and we gave up again.

100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children {Review}

Renewed Ambition

With a sense of renewed ambition, our family is once again embarking on scripture memorizing together as a family.  Kids are so great at remembering what they hear that I’ve decided to implement Bible verses into our daily homeschool curriculum.  Psalm 119:11 “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children {Review}

100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children

This book, “100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children” incorporates a sweet devotion along with a corresponding Bible verse.  The devotion is written to help young children understand what the verses mean as well as how to apply in their lives.  I love that the pages also use color and small pictures each day to as that also really helps draw the kids in.

Written in 2-page lessons, it works well for our entire family, starting down at our 3 year old all the way up to our 12 year old AND my husband and I!

100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children {Review}

Overall, this is a beautiful book.  The hard cover makes it more durable and the inside is filled with invaluable wisdom, references, and Bible verses.  I am so pleased as it’s everything I was searching for.

100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children {Review}

Once we are done completing our goal of working through 100 Favorite Bible Verses For Children, I’m hoping that my kids will be able to confidently answer the question: “What is your favorite verse in the Bible?”

Buy It: Head over to Tommy Nelson Publishing to pick up your very own copy as well as to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.

This post currently has 12 responses.

  • Maryann D.

    This seems like a lovely Bible Verses book. This would be a perfect book for my niece for her birthday.

  • Peggy Nunn

    I love this book. It is great for the nursery school the friends are in. A great addition to their class.

  • Now I know what I will be getting all my friend’s children as a baptism gift. This is absolutely wonderful.

  • Amy D

    Now I know what I will be getting all my friend’s children as a baptism gift. This is absolutely wonderful.

  • Rebecca Orr

    I am going to save this so I can get if for my daughter.

  • Amber Ludwig

    What a great way to introduce children to the bible!! Verses at a time, broken down so they can process and understand them!!

  • Lauryn R

    This book is so beautifully done, I love the illustrations and different fonts. It really catches the eye, and I can definitely see my kids wanting to read the verses over and over again. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Janice Achmann

    So proud to be your Mom and Grandma to your children. My heart is overwhelmed with Love for all of you.

  • Barrie

    What a great idea for young kids. My daughter would have loved this when she was younger. My favorite verse is from King Solomon, “I have found the one whom my soul loves”. It was the quote for our wedding invitations.

  • John Smith

    The cover illustration is especially cute!

  • Sarah L

    What a lovely book. I love the picture of you reading the book to your kids. (your youngest keeps getting older…)

  • ellen beck

    I like how this is a two part lesson. This book would be nice because it would be relatable and then have a corresponding verse to it I think one of my favorite verses is from the book of Ruth:
    Ruth 1:16

    But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”

    I have always liked that passage.

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