By Asha

March 28th, 2018

Thank you to übertherm for sending product for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

We are a pretty active family. My husband is a farmer, I am a nurse, and we both enjoy playing softball and kickball. Since spring is here, and our sport seasons will start shortly, I was excited to partner with übertherm – to get ready for the sore muscles and injuries that will inevitably occur.

was developed by a medical doctor and researcher at the National Institute of Health and Johns Hopkins Hospital. übertherm has a completely unique way of delivering precision cold compression therapy – using thermally calibrated Ice Pillow™ healing technology. übertherm provides gradual onset, long-lasting, ultra-comfortable, no-sting, deep cold compression.

übertherm offers knee, elbow and both right and left shoulder wraps. The übertherm precision cold compression wraps are made of SCUBA-grade UBL Neoprene which provides exceptional joint support and bracing. Velcro can be used to secure the wrap – the whole wrap is covered so the velcro can be secured anywhere and any size person can get the right fit. übertherm wraps are meant to be worn straight over the skin, without any clothing between the skin and the wrap. A long-lasting, soft cooling pack is included. It is filled with non-toxic, high-performance gel. It stays flexible even when frozen and provides up to 60 minutes of constant cold therapy.

Just the other evening my husband came home from work with a sore elbow. Right away, I pulled out our new übertherm elbow wrap and applied it for him. It was easy to apply and he commented that there was no normal ‘burn’ from the freezing ice, and that the cold lasted a lot longer than any other ice pack he has used. I have tried both the shoulder and knee wraps and have the same feelings as my husband. I love the compression that the wraps give along with the cold. They really help sore joints feel supported and relaxed while working to reduce inflammation. We both can’t think of anything we would change about the übertherm precision cold compression therapy products.

Buy It: Head over to übertherm.

Connect: Don’t forget to like them on Facebook for all the latest news and promotions.

This post currently has 8 responses.

  • Peggy Nunn

    These look like what my husband needs. He really needs the knee support. He works so hard, he needs all the help we can get.

  • kate v

    These look like good quality that will last. Great to have on hand. My shoulder has been bothering me for awhile since I fell down the icy steps. You never know.

  • Lauryn R

    These sound awesome! I could definitely use the shoulder one! I was just talking about how I wish I could find relief without messy (and stinky!) creams and rubs. I need to go get one asap, thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • Barrie

    Between hubby and I, we would use all of these! They look well made and very high quality!

  • gloria patterson

    I could use this knee wrap right this minute. My mother has been in the hospital and rehab for all of March. My knees are killing me with all the walking.

  • ellen beck

    These look very helpful! Compresses are tough to get to stay put especially in some places. I like the one for the shoulder, it would stay where you want it. I dont think I have ever seen one like this for shoulders. It would sure help pain!

  • MeMe R

    I use a lot and I mean a lot of these type of things and I have to say these are a no go for me. My favorite ice packs are CryoMax ice packs and they stay cold for 8-12hrs. I also have a Cryo therapy machine for my chronic pain where you can buy different pads to put literally anywhere on your body. I use KT tape for my shoulders and hips for stabilization and have not quite found a compression garment that works how they are advertised to work. This I have tried many different versions of and they all suck…at least for me but I deal with severe chronic pain from Lupus, fibro, spino stenosis, herniated disc, peri arthritis, busitis, and some other major issues to give insight to what I am dealing with. These braces chafe, don’t fit well, the ice melts fast, and you can’t sleep in them. My husband who just has aches and pains hated them also and loves my ice packs and machine. An ice pack and a regular compression garment would be better in my honest opinion. I am so glad that someone has done a good review with clear pictures of these though. Lastly, I love the name Asha as I went to school with a girl named Asha and have only come across it 1 other time. Super pretty girls, both reviewer and my high school friend!

  • gloria patterson

    I am not active in sports etc 🙂 but as a senior I have more than my share of aches and pains. These wraps look like they would really work for me. Looks like the should wrap could go a bit higher an hit my favorite ache. Have to check these out

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