Thank you to WishGarden Herbs for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions belong to myself.
Throughout my entire pregnancy I was taking herbal tinctures recommended by my midwife. I took things like red raspberry leaf to help with uterine health and nettle leaf as well as alfalfa later on in my pregnancy. I really enjoyed taking theses and felt my health was really being supported naturally. Now that I am officially postpartum I am taking a few other things from Wish Garden Herbs to help with healing. I wanted to be sure that I had something mood balancing from WishGarden Herbs as I knew my mood was off towards the end of pregnancy and I figured there was a possibility it could get worse. Baby Blues and Rebalance are great hormonal supports with herbs like St.John’s Wart and Calendula flower.
My mom always talked about a sitz bath with iodine given at the hospital to ease discomfort after labor. My mother swore by them! I was never offered one with either of my first two pregnancies but when I saw that WishGarden Herbs had an all natural version you can bet that I added it to my homebirth aftercare kit.
The herbs smelled so sweet and healing even before steeping!
I used one of our nut milk bags to steep the recommended amount of herbs. I ended up steeping for the recommended 5 minutes as well. The water turned a light greenish color and I gave the herb bag a squeeze to get the remaining juice out. I didn’t have a traditional Sitz bath tub already so I decided to just use our largest mixing bowl. To make sure there wasn’t a mess I went ahead and put that bowl inside of our tub and sat down in it for about five minutes. I didn’t end up using the bath until about 5 days after birth as I just wasnt able to find time to sit and relax until then.
If you have ever nursed a little one, then I’m sure you’re aware of after pains. After pains are typically felt each time after birth during nursing and generally last for about 3-5 days. After pains also tend to worsen the more children you have. I found this to be very true each and every birth I experienced with this last time being the most intense by far. I felt the need to actually concentrate and breathe through these after pains as they felt much like the beginning stages of labor I already experienced. After Ease is made to to help alleviate the intensity of these after pains and soothe your achey uterus. I wasn’t able to receive these in time for them to be useful for myself as they came at about day 4 and I was no longer experiencing after pains by that point. On the other hand my midwife knew of After Ease and said so many moms recommended it!
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 5 responses.
Wish Garden sounds like a wonderful company. I could have used these products when I had my kiddo 19 years ago!
I am glad you found things that will help you. I am glad all is well now. Thank you for sharing.
I remember the sitz baths! It seems luckily some things are coming full circle as far as some natural remedies. I am glad you have found some to help you through this time! Hey post pictures of that new cutie if you are able (or do that) I had been following your home birth and found it fascinating.
Thanks for the LOL …. You must be a little tiny thing if you fitted in a large mixing bowl. I have heard about sitz for years but did not realize they were no longer the thing to do. I need to check this place out herb are becoming the next thing to go back to
I could have used this when I had my babies. It would have really helped me relax and take away some of the pain. I will let my friends know about it.