Thank you to Educational Insights for providing me with a product to facilitate my blog review.
All opinions are my own.

The universe is a fascinating topic! If your kids are anything like my own, you probably get asked questions about stars and planets and galaxies regularly.  This is why I was thrilled when I was offered the opportunity to review the new GeoSafari Jr. Talking Telescope from Educational Insights!

Educational Insights is a well-known brand of games and toys specially designed to promote curiosity and develop imagination. They developed many cool brands including Playfoam, Dino Construction Company, Nancy B’s Science Club, IlluminiCraft, Design & Drill and much more!

The Talking Telesecope is a really cool product for young space enthusiasts!  It DOES NOT function as a real telescope. Instead, it presents 24 images of planets, the Sun, the Hubble telescope, Halley’s comet, rockets, eclipses, the International Space Station and much more. For each image, children can listen to 5 different facts which means there are 120 interesting tidbits of information to learn. Then, children can test their knowledge by answering questions (again, 5 questions per image for a total of 120 questions).

The telescope has audio recordings in English, Spanish, French and German. Fun fact: the voice in English is that of the ‘Xploration Outer Space’ host’s Emily Dawn Calandrelli.

My kids really love their talking telescope! It was easy to use from the get-go: simply put in 3 AAA batteries, put the legs under the telescope to form a steady tripod, and they’re good to go. It’s very intuitive to use with 2 buttons for the modes (facts or quiz), 2 dials to rotate from image to image or fact to fact, and numbers to answer questions. The only criticism I can think of is that it would have been nice to have a variety of images for the same topic, so for the Moon for example, there could have been a full moon, a crescent moon, a zoom into one of the craters, etc.

Other than that, I really like how my children learned a ton of information about space all while having fun! They’re even more interested in the night sky than they were before. Funnily enough, even though it’s not an actual telescope, I caught them a few times pretending to look up in the sky with it and describing shining stars and far-away planets to each other.  Isn’t it adorable?  I might have to get them an Omega Refractor Telescope for their birthday!

Find Out More: Head over to the Educational Insights website for more information about their great educational toys and games. 

Connect: Don’t forget to like Educational Insights on Facebook and follow them on their blog, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter for all the latest news, project ideas, and promotions.




This post currently has 2 responses.

  • ellen beck

    Now this would be awesome! I love how bright and colorful this is. I also like the sized down version for younger kids. I am amazed in that it talks!!!

  • Lauryn R

    This is an awesome educational toy! My kids would love it, especially that it talks! It is definitely something that I want to get them now for our homeschool fun. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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