Thank you to Sea-Band Mama! for sending products for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
I am almost 14 weeks pregnant now. I have been struggling with nausea since about six weeks along. In my search for relief, I found Sea-Band Mama! They sent me a set of Sea-Bands, an Essential Oil Rollette and Ginger Lozenges. These items have been a constant in my home, work bag and purse for the past couple months.
TheSea-Band Mama! essential oil roller uses concentrated plant extracts. The Rollette contains a soothing blend of Spearmint, Ginger, and Lime natural essential oils to help settle the stomach. The Rollette is pocket sized which is a big plus. I could just pull it out whenever I was feeling a wave of nausea and apply it to the base of my neck.
The Sea-Band Mama! Ginger Lozenges do not use any artificial colors and flavors. I appreciate that the lozenges have added Folic Acid too. Although I did not care for the taste of these lozenges, over everything else I tried these worked the best to alleviate my nausea. So, if it was really bad, I popped in one of these lozenges and my stomach settled almost immediately. I do wish they tasted a little better, but they work just the way they are!
The Sea Band Mama! use accupressure points on your wrists to help soothe your upset stomach. The bands provide a comfortable pressure on the wrists at a specific point to help with nausea.
I would recommend the Sea-Band Mama! products to anyone who is struggling with nausea. Although they are marketed for pregnant women, I found myself wondering if these items would also work well for people undergoing chemotherapy and experiencing nausea? I will definitely keep these products in mind to gift to friends in the future.
I was not sick with my first pregnancy, so feeling ill this time around came as a shock to me. Another thing that I found interesting was that the waves of nausea came and went all day long, not just in the morning. In fact, I still generally feel the worst in the evening, after supper. Everyone is different I guess! Tell me, did you have morning sickness? What worked for you?
Buy It: Head over to Sea-Band Mama! to see for yourself the great products they offer. Sea-Band Mama! products can be purchased at Target, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Walmart.
Connect: Don’t forget to like them on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and promotions.
Hi, my name is Asha. I am 34-years-old and am a nurse by profession. Right now I am battling Breast Cancer. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and together we have a sweet seven-year-old daughter, a fun four-year-old son, and a lovable bunny named Caramel. I enjoy spending time with family, taking photographs, scrapbooking, hunting, fishing, cooking and gardening.
This post currently has 8 responses.
I have never tried anything like this, but I definitely wish that I would have had one when I was pregnant! I recently bought my daughter one because she gets car sick very easily, and it really does seem to help! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Congrats on your pregnancy and the new addition to the Emily Reviews team! These sound like great products. The ginger one although it might taste strong is really an old remedy and it makes sense. Ginger settles stomachs naturally. Its nice it has extra folic acid for pregnancy!
I can see how this would work. Ginger works wonders for a lot of stomach ailments. I have a severe stomach issues and I often prefer ginger tea over my prescription medication.
I am wondering if these products would help those who are not pregnant? I do know how ginger can help with digestive issues and do drink ginger tea for an upset stomach. I have tried a sea band before but did not find it helpful. Being one who does have several digestive issues, I would surely try these.
Thank goodness I don’t need this but I have a friend that does. I will have to tell her about it. Thank you for the information.
i bought these for my daughter who has experienced nausea as well as vomiting every morning for the last 3 weeks. unfortunately they did not work for her.
My last pregnancy nothing helped, as I had HG, but I also didnt try the Sea Band. I just threw up and felt sick for 6 months. I was miserable. I feel better this time – 11 weeks along. But. It doesnt take much to feel better than the last time to be frank. Im exhasuted and have too much nausea for it to be fun.
Ive had the Sea Band on for about an hour. It seems to be working. Now Im just tired and feel my low bp.
My nausea is the worst in the evenings too.
But so far I think the Sea Band is going to help. Ginger also helps this time around.
I wish I had know about this with my pregnancies!