Thank you to Think Tank for sending product for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
A while back, I attended a photography class with my cousin. The photography instructor and my cousin both had Think Tank Photo camera bags that I was drooling over. They told me that Think Tank Photo makes the best camera bags on the market. After that, I contacted Think Tank Photo to see for myself!
I chose the Urban Approach 5 for my camera and supplies. I have a Cannon Rebel, the original lens, a 50mm lens, and a long range lens. I also have an external flash, and carry extra battery packs. This bag is the perfect size to carry all of these items – not too big and not too small. As you can see, there are three interior sections and pockets on the sides and front. I love knowing my camera supplies are at easily accessible and nice and safe.
The bag is well made. It seems like it will be very durable and last me a long time. I appreciate how quickly I can access all of my gear. There are two options for closing the top flap of the bag – either a buckle or velcro (or both). This bag also features a pocket for a tablet which is pretty neat. The final feature I appreciate is that I don’t think it looks too much like a camera bag – it looks very sleek and I don’t think many would guess that it has camera gear in it, which makes me feel a little safer when I bring it out and about. The photo above shows all my gear (minus my camera). Below shows the gear packed in the bag.
Think Tank Photo also makes much larger and smaller camera cases – they make a case for everyone from novice to professional at a variety of price points.
A Think Tank Photo Bag would make a great gift for yourself or another photographer in your life. Tell me, which bag is your favorite?
Buy It: Head over to Think Tank Photo to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer. Receive a free gift when you purchase at least $50 of gear, free ground shipping, and the best customer service in the industry.
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Hi, my name is Asha. I am 34-years-old and am a nurse by profession. Right now I am battling Breast Cancer. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and together we have a sweet seven-year-old daughter, a fun four-year-old son, and a lovable bunny named Caramel. I enjoy spending time with family, taking photographs, scrapbooking, hunting, fishing, cooking and gardening.
This post currently has 5 responses.
Hi MeMe! Thanks for the suggestion. I did add a photo of all the gear in my bag laid out so you can judge the space better. – Asha
That is a very nice bag. I was told by a friend that a photographer’s camera bag is as personal as a wallet. They are particular. But I think anyone would like this one.
My friend is a camera freak and I know she’d like this bag. So many parts to carry.
This bag looks terrific.I like how it would protect your camera so well. I also love how many compartments this has in it to hold everything. It Looks Comfortable to carry too.
I would of liked to seen a before shot of everything laid out that you put into the bag. That would of helped me make of my mind better here. The bag looks nice but I just cannot judge the space.