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As everyone here already knows I tend to always be in the search for the healthiest, best diet. We’ve tried Paleo, but recently with cholesterol tests that came back high at 27 years old, I realized that diet was not working for me. I made the drastic change to all of our diets to go whole food plant based vegan. This means no oil, no animal products and no processed foods. Currently we are allowing salt but in moderation. At first it felt really restrictive and then I quickly realized why my cholesterol was so high. I consumed so much oil in every vegetable I ate, every meat, every salad, just everywhere was oil. It’s been a whole week now and I would love to share with you the key things that have helped us succeed so far!
Meal Planning
This is no joke the number one key to success on any diet I think. Searching for and finding meals that fit within the new limitations of your diet can be taxing, but pays off so much. Every Sunday I sit down and find five meals that fit within the diet and look and sound good to our family. Knowing the abbreviation of your diet can also really help in the search for meals. For us the abbreviation looks like “wfpb vegan” this includes all of our limitations and makes it easy to adjust if needed. From there I make the grocery list that includes every item needed for the weeks meal plans and stick to it!

Not my pantry but I wish it was!
Pantry Stocking
Now for some people easing into a diet is easier on your body and your wallet but I knew that since we were so pinched for time all the time it would be too easy to go back to our old ways so I went through our entire fridge and pantry. I gave all of our non vegan pantry and fridge items to a family member and went to the store and restocked both fridge and pantry with new dietary items. For us this looked like a lot of cans of beans, chickpeas, whole grains, fruits, and veggies.
Finding Apps and Websites to Help Out
I used Chronometer.com to make sure that we were all getting sufficient nutrients from our new diet since the diet was such a drastic change to everything I had ordinarily eaten. I really gained a lot of security using chronometer and honestly think it helped me do better as I would get to a certain point in the day and realize that my calories for the day weren’t going to be met so I would increase food amounts and change out food items based on the nutrient goals I was aiming to achieve. I also use the app Daily Dozen to help remind me of what foods to put into a smoothie or add to a meal to hit each and every goal that the app lays out.
Learn more about vegan diet at Vegan Liftz.
Finding A Facebook Group
This might seem sort of silly but sometimes it’s so helpful to just reach out to a person already experienced in the diet to ask a quick question instead of google searching forever. I found so many vegan support groups, whole food plant-based groups, and vegan recipe groups as well. I sort of treat them like a vegan diet specific library, if I need a quick substitution they are there to help pretty quickly. If you need recommendations about vegan protein sources, you can also search for Rave Reviews supplement advice.
These are the essential keys I used to stick to a new diet and so far they are working really well. I hope to gain more and share with all of you. Maybe in my next post I’ll be able to post about my bodily changes I’ve experienced so far on this journey! I do have to remind myself of that often, that it’s a journey. What about you guys, do you have any tips for staying on a new diet within your family?
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 7 responses.
These are great tips, thanks for sharing! I definitely think that meal prepping helps so much while dieting.
I have no hints except if you are on any meds or whatever to go over a very drastic change with a nutritionist or your doctor. That’s quite the change from paleo to plant based vegan! I would alo have a tough time cleaning pantry and fridge and freezer out.
Meal prep is good for every kind of diet or non-diet. Know what you’ll fix makes it easier.
Have to admit that I to like oil on my foods. Bought a airfryer and that has really cut down on using of oil. I like veggies and beans but I also got to have my meat once in a while. But I think I can take a few of this tips and makes some changes in my life
I need to work on my diet. Thank you for sharing your key tips.
I am all for eating a healthy diet. However, I don’t think I would tolerate a vegan diet. I do limit sugar and fiber for digestive issues.
New ways of eating just take time to adjust. My husband had the Primal Diet recommended for the inflammation in his knees. It is pretty restrictive but he is a champ. It is a mind set.