By Asha

September 23rd, 2018

I have less than six weeks to go until my scheduled c-section and the arrival of our second baby. Add on the fact that this baby is measuring two weeks bigger than he’s supposed to be… it makes me a little anxious to get things lined up for his arrival and our bags packed for the hospital.

When I was expecting our first baby I searched online for what to pack in my hospital bag and found tons of differing opinions about what you should pack. Now, for baby number two, I feel like I have a much better idea of the things I will want/need/use at the hospital. As I said above, I know that this baby will be delivered via c-section, as our first baby was delivered via emergency c-section after some complications. This time we hope to have a much less ‘exciting’ birth – one where I can be conscious and my husband can be in the operating room with me. Last time I was unconscious and intubated and didn’t get to meet our daughter until almost 2 hours after her birth. This time I can’t wait to be able to hear our baby’s first cry and experience his birth. So, knowing going into this birth that I will be having a little boy, and having a c-section I felt it was really easy to pack. I also know what my hospital supplies for me, so I know which items I don’t need to bring. The second time around is a lot easier!

I packed three bags: my camera bag, a diaper bag for baby and a bag for my husband and I. Ultimately I’ll have to pack a bag for my little girl to go to her grandparent’s, but I haven’t gotten around to that one quite yet.

In my camera bag I have all of my lenses, extra batteries, charging cables, and my external flash. I love my Think Tank Urban Approach 5 Camera Bag!

In my baby’s bag (The NOLA Backpack Style Diaper Bag From Kalencom) I tried to go as minimal as possible. You can see what I packed below.

I packed the following for baby:

  • Warm Blanket
  • Swaddle Blanket
  • Changing Pad
  • Small pack of wipes (our hospital provides wipes)
  • A few diapers (our hospital provides diapers)
  • 2 Going Home Outfits (1 in newborn size and 1 in 0-3 months, just in case he is big)
  • Diaper Cream
  • 2 Hats
  • 2 Pairs of Socks
  • 2 Pairs of Mittens (I hate scratched up baby faces!)
  • Pacifier (our hospital does provide pacifiers, but I prefer a certain kind)
  • A few extra outfits since I know we will be staying for 2-3 days due to my c-section
  • We bottle & formula feed so that is provided by the hospital.

In the bag for my husband and I, I packed the following:

  • 3 Gowns/Jammies (I don’t care for the hospital gowns)
  • Going Home Outfit (pants that don’t ride low on the belly so they won’t bother my incision)
  • 3 Comfy Bras
  • Dark colored undies (for going home… when in the hospital I use the ones they provide)
  • Toiletry Bag including comb, makeup, headbands, hair ties, chapstick, deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, glasses, contact lenses, eye drops & contact solution
  • Flip Flops (for walking the halls and wearing around the room)
  • A comfy outfit for my husband to wear at night (we live close enough to the hospital that he can go home to change clothes and shower each day)
  • Laptop & charger
  • Ipad & charger
  • Phone chargers
  • Bottled Drinks & Snacks for my hubby
  • Quarters for the vending machine
  • Folder with hospital admission forms, paperwork for baby’s social security number, list of people to call, etc.
  • Baby book
  • I’ll also be bringing my purse which has my insurance card and drivers license
  • Finally, not pictured, I plan to bring a wrapped gift for our daughter from the baby

That’s everything! What do you think? Still too much stuff? Not enough? Do you see anything major that I missed?

Please feel free to say a prayer for a safe delivery for myself and our baby! My next unsponsored post will be a birth story & meet the baby! I can’t wait to introduce him to all of you!

This post currently has 3 responses.

  • ellen beck

    I think you are et and ready to go! I love how you have everything planned out ahead of time. Cameras are important, hopefully your get some fantastic pictures to share.

  • Peggy Nunn

    You are ready… wow. This is exciting. I like the bags you have, they look so nice and efficient.

  • gloria patterson

    The title of this made me smile and LOL….. When my niece packed for the hospital 2 yrs ago she pack one bag that had a least a dozen different outfits for the baby. And NOT one thing for herself. The next day I packed her a beauty bag of sample products she was so excited to have it Maybe the next baby she will pack better.

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