Royce 6 months

This post has been sponsored by Store Brand Formula. All thoughts and reviews are my own.

Kelsie bottle

I’ve seen mothers debate whether nursing or formula feeding is more convenient. I think there are arguments to be made on both sides. Though it’s a little silly to debate because most mom’s don’t make the decision based on convenience.

In most instances, moms who choose to use formula might also breastfeed. Regardless of choice, a mom who settles for formula needs to understand everything there is to it according to serenity kids

For instance, a mom might need to know that formula comes in three main types. The first type is a powdered formula that requires water, and you are good to go. This option is also the most affordable. Another option is the concentrated liquid formula which also requires water. The last type is the premixed or ready-to-use formula can be opened and served without water. This is the most expensive option.


If you are a mom who uses formula for your baby, here are three “mom hacks” for moms use who formula.

  1. Prep bottles before bed if your baby is still waking up to eat. If you know your little one wakes up twice, mix two bottles and set them in the fridge before going to bed. This way, you don’t have to dance around with a crying baby at 2am while trying to shake he formula up.
  2. Keep water with you when traveling. You don’t want to get stuck looking for a water fountain so that you can mix formula. Keeping a water bottle in your diaper bag will allow you to have clean water to make a bottle with no mater where you’re at.
  3. Buy store brand formula to save money.

Of these, I would imagine #3 is going to stand out as the most unique hack. Most of us tend to assume that well-known brands offer higher quality products than store brand ones. Infant formula is regulated by the FDA, and all ingredients have to meet certain safety standards, which means all formula brands contain comparable essential nutrients to make sure that your baby stays healthy and receive the nutrients to grow. Some additional hacks includes;

  • Avoid warming the water to make the making process easier. Consider sticking to room temperature as it offers more convenience especially when traveling. 
  • Remember to prepare ahead for on-the-go feedings by finding suitable storage solutions. Depending on your preference, these storage options might range from little cups to bottles.
  • Learn the differences in nipple sizes. For first-time moms, consider starting your baby on the smallest nipple size, then changing after about three months. You’ll be able to know when your kid doesn’t like a nipple when they push away the bottle or get fussy during feeding. 


Visit the Store Brand formula website for more info. Also click on their social media buttons to check out their social accounts.

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Store Brand Formula is sponsoring a $25 visa gift card giveaway for my readers! This giveaway is open worldwide. It will be a virtual gift card that can only be used online, not in stores. This giveaway will end 11/28/2018. Fill out the Giveaway Tools form below for a chance to win.



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