By Amber

November 10th, 2018

Thank you to KiwiCo for sending me product. As always, all opinions are my own.

I’ve been looking into subscription boxes for my kids because they love getting packages in the mail! We homeschool our kids and are always looking for ways to add STEM into our class time-especially with projects I don’t have to plan for. KiwiCo offers a variety of subscription boxes for all ages and was created for kids to experience these STEM activities without creating a lot of work for parents. They also make the perfect gift idea because, I don’t know about your kids, but it seems like mine have more than enough toys. What they need are activities to keep their hands and brains busy!

Since our kids are two (almost 3) and five, the Koala Crate and Kiwi Crate are perfect for them. All of the projects that come in your KiwiCo crates are age appropriate and tested by kids to ensure they’ll have fun while learning. Each box is packed with quality materials and a theme to bring all of the pieces together. Kids can work with adults or (as they get older) on their own to produce a project. Everything you need comes in the crate, so you don’t have to supply anything!

Koala Crate

To show you a little sample of what you could get in a Koala Crate, check out what we got this month! Our sons’ crate was farm themed, and had a variety of fun projects. First we made a vegetable garden that doubles as a matching game. Then we created felt animal finger puppets and a barn for them to live and play in! The crate took us about 45 minutes to complete and he sat still and was so excited about every little thing. This is a HUGE deal for our little busybody!

While it may not have turned out as pretty as the project instructions, he did everything himself with just a little help. I think it’s so important for kids to do things on their own so they can gain confidence and express their creativity. KiwiCo lets kids do just that!

Kiwi Crate

Our daughter’s Kiwi Crate had a “My Body and Me” theme and she absolutely loved it! She got to sew organs, make her own stethoscope, and create a glowing X-ray. She learned so much and has had the best time listening to everyone’s heartbeat (multiple times a day!). This crate was actually very timely because she is learning to sew and thought that part was so fun.

To be honest, I learned right along with her and working on the crate was a great bonding experience for us. I think a lot of times I spend the day rushing around doing housework or blogging and sometimes forget to sit down with my kids and consciously do something with them. KiwiCo allows me the time to do that while also facilitating my kids’ learning.

KiwiCo offers 5 different lines for different ages and interests:

  • Cricket Crate for young toddlers
  • Koala Crate for children 3-4 years
  • Kiwi Crate for 5-8 years
  • Doodle Crate for kids aged 9-16+ interested in art and design
  • Tinker Crate for kids aged 9-16+ interested in science and engineering
  • Atlas Crate to inspire global citizens

Buy it: KiwiCo crates are shipped monthly and you can choose a subscription length that works for you. A one time box is $19.95 and the price decreases down to $16.95/month when you opt for a year-long subscription. Purchase from KiwiCo!

DISCOUNT: Emily Reviews readers can use this exclusive link to get a FREE first month trial! Just pay shipping-your first crate is FREE ($4.95 US shipping/$9.95 international shipping).










This post currently has 6 responses.

  • Susan P.

    My daughters both were in gifted programs and studied STEM courses. My oldest is a mathematics teacher in an honors high school. As a scientist myself, I love the idea that there are STEM subscription boxes.

  • ellen beck

    I think this would be so interesting. STEM is definitely not boring anda box like this would show how much fun hey could have.I like how the boxes would vary month to month. This box could lead to so many more things to learn and explore.

  • Alice F

    I love the idea of a subscription box for kids! STEM is a well respected program. Such a wonderful idea to educated children while making learning interesting at the same time.

  • Lauryn R

    What a fun subscription box, I love educational but exciting things like this! My kids really love doing crafts and hands on learning works really well with them. Thank you so much for your review and discount, I am definitely signing up!

  • Chelsey Bennett

    These are really cool. I like how they have different types for different ages. My kids are 10 years apart, and they have both of them covered. That never happens!

  • susan hartman

    I like the Kiwi and Atlas Crate. I have a 6 year old grandson that would really like them too!

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