Thank you to Raw Spice Bar for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
When my family switched to a whole food plant based vegan diet we were able to realize that meat was not providing a lot of the flavor in our dishes. We found that it was actually the spices within the dish that really made the dish stand out or fall short.
Using the raw spices from Raw Spice Bar has made such a difference in the meals we have made. Every meal from breakfast to dessert can be enhanced with spices from Raw Spice Bar. My family made oatmeal the other day and we decided to add some lightly cooked apples paired with the apple pie seasoning and found the flavor to be pretty in depth compared to a typical cinnamon choice we would have made.
We are super excited to add The Best Burger seasoning to our veggie burger recipe to really give them that classic taste we are used to from our previous omnivore diet. Raw Spice Bar takes aim to make sure that dietary preferences are respected and valued which is why they offer spices that are keto, paleo, as well as vegan.
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 16 responses.
I was never much for spices and then I had dinner at a friends. She described her food as spicy and my first though was OH NO! I was so surprised it was NOT a hot spicy it was very favorable. She showed me her spices and shared a few with me. So I am learning to add to my food for the taste
What a zesty selection of spices to add some zing!
We like to experiment with different spices so we would love to win this. Great selection of spice blends.
Already a HUGE fan of this company.
So many great spices that are fresh, good quality and some hard to find.
WE are spice people in our home.
Thanks. -
This would be a perfect gift for my daughter who likes to try out different seasonings and spices. I love all the different flavors they offer.
I love trying new spices and herbs. Looks like a great company.
I enjoy cooking but admit I havent used some of these spices. Plan on more homecooked meals this coming year so these spices might Push me a little?
There are only a few spices I like to add to my recipes. I like cinnamon, garlic, chile powder. I never was one for hot food.
I want to try out the popcorn seasoning gift set and also taco seasoning of coarse. Apple pie seasoning? Yum. But I am also curious what Greek or Italian za’atar and inevitable can’t pronounce.. I’m sure this will level up my seasoning game!
I love running into blogs with wfpb peeps!! And I love this post! It’s so true, so many amazing flavors out there and these spices look fantastic!!
Congrats! to the winners, I have yet to try these spices out but just looking at them you can see all the real spice that goes in these tin cans. Would love to try that apple spice seasoning out.
@tisonlyme143 -
This sub looks very interesting. A chance to try and experiment with new spices is great
Would love to try the Apple Pie spice, i’m trying new spices, I do like curry but not anything like a hot spice.
This is something that my wife would go crazy over. She is into this type of thing. Now I know another thing to get her for Christmas.