Thank you to KidStuff PR for sending me these Eggmazing Egg Decorators! As always, all opinions are my own.
When it comes to holidays, I LOVE them, and I really love decorating for them. After Christmas, Easter is my favorite holiday. After a long winter in Minnesota, it’s always our welcome into spring with fun family events and of course, Easter egg coloring and hunts! We usually color eggs at least a few different times for Easter, but with two kids under six it can get so messy. Sometimes I actually dread the dyeing process because I know it will result in so much clean-up. This year we got started early with a new and innovative way to color eggs: The Eggmazing Egg Decorator!
The Eggmazing Egg Decorator
This egg decorator was originally featured on Shark Tank and is now available at a large variety of retailers, and it’s clear to see why. You simply place a large or extra large hard-boiled egg on the rollers and turn the machine on. It spins the egg, so as you put your marker to the egg, it leaves a line all the way around.
As you can imagine, our kids got right into it! They loved considering what colors they wanted to use, and deciding on a pattern for each egg. Well, our three year old just liked to use as many colors as he could, but our six year old was more particular. I’ll be honest; even my husband and I got into the decorating and I’m buying more eggs this week so we can do more!
The markers are non-toxic and extremely fast-drying. By the time the kids got done coloring each egg and turning off their Egg Decorators, the eggs were dry and ready to be moved. I was curious whether the eggs would still be wet and transfer color onto hands or clothing, but no worries there! You can also buy replacement markers once yours run out, but I imagine it takes a lot of egg-coloring before that happens.
The Eggmazing Egg Decorator requires four AA batteries so you’ll want to make sure you have some on hand before you plan to decorate. Luckily for us, we have so many toys that require AA’s that we always have a few packs available. By far and away, this has been the least messy egg decorating experience we’ve ever had! Plus, the eggs turn out incredible and so colorful! This is definitely going to be my preferred method of Easter egg decorating from now on.
If you love the EggMazing Egg Decorator, make sure you check out The Treemendous Ornament Decorator and the NEW Bunny Eggmazing Egg Decorator, too!
- Buy it: You can purchase The Eggmazing Egg Decorator from Amazon and various local retailers.
- Win it: One lucky reader will win an Eggmazing Egg Decorator just in time for Easter this year! This is a US giveaway ending 3/15. Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below, and good luck!

Hi there! I’m Amber, a 34 year old wife and mom of two from central Minnesota. I love to be outside with my family anywhere the weather is warm (which means I spend half the year freezing). We’re a homeschooling family that loves to travel as often as possible! When I have a spare free moment, I love to read, take photos, and scrapbook. I’m interested in anything that makes life more fun; I also love socializing and sharing about my favorite products!
This post currently has 3 responses.
Looks like a lot of fun and young ones would love to use this decorating tool.
I love how pretty this makes the eggs. The ones I made as a kid were not so pretty….LOL
That is the easiest most fun way of decorating eggs. No more vinegar and messes.