Thank you to TushBaby for sending me a sample for this review. As always, all opinions are my own.
If you have an infant or toddler in your life I’m sure you’ll love this new product from TushBaby! Featured on Shark Tank, this innovative hip carrier can help save your back if you’ve got a little one. I’m always carrying our son around on my hip, and just recently I started to realize how much it’s probably affecting my spine. When I heard about TushBaby, I knew it would be the perfect option for us!
My son is three years old but he’s only 30 pounds and this carrier is rated for up to 44 pounds, so we can still use it for awhile. You can actually use it from birth on, in four different ways. Check out the options:
Now, since our son is older I obviously didn’t get to take advantage of using the TushBaby throughout the infant stages. I can see how it would have been so helpful, especially while nursing, and particularly while standing and nursing! I remember my arms getting so exhausted holding up his weight (he was a ten pound baby!). TushBaby would have been a great option from infancy on.
Wearing the TushBaby is very comfortable, and it’s easy to put on. You simply wrap the TushBaby around your body, above the hips, and secure the velcro as well as the buckle. It feels very secure and with the heavy-duty velcro, it’s not going anywhere! Then you simply set your child on the seat.
Obviously Lincoln is a bit bigger than some kids using this product, but his weight felt much more evenly distributed through my back than when I simply carry him on my hip. The anti-slip fabric patch on the seat keeps him in place, and keeps his legs in a good, wide position which is important for his hip development.
When I’ve got him in the carrier, I do need to hold onto him with one arm to make sure he doesn’t tip backwards, but it’s still significantly less difficult than supporting all his weight on my hip and arm. It’s still winter here right now, but I think it’s going to be perfect for summer parades and zoo trips, and other excursions where he’ll want to be carried.
TushBaby has multiple storage compartments which makes it even more handy! There is a front pocket which is the perfect size for a phone, pacifier, and anything you need within easy reach.
There’s another pocket underneath the seat where you could store a variety of items. It could easily fit a diaper and small pack of wipes, a bottle, toys, keys, etc. There’s also a mesh pocket in the back.
Overall I think TushBaby is a great option for parents with young children! From birth through toddlerhood, it is a product that can serve many purposes and stages. I can’t wait to use it this summer!
- Buy it: Purchase from TushBaby and use the code SAVE15 to save 15% on your order!
- Win it: One lucky reader will take home a TushBaby carrier! This is a US giveaway ending 3/30. Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below, and good luck!

Hi there! I’m Amber, a 34 year old wife and mom of two from central Minnesota. I love to be outside with my family anywhere the weather is warm (which means I spend half the year freezing). We’re a homeschooling family that loves to travel as often as possible! When I have a spare free moment, I love to read, take photos, and scrapbook. I’m interested in anything that makes life more fun; I also love socializing and sharing about my favorite products!
This post currently has 6 responses.
This is such a well designed invention. I would love to give this to my new mom friend.
This is a wonderful idea. I remember when…. Maybe someday I’ll get the chance to use it. I’ll talk to my grown daughter!
I can see how useful this would be. Would make a great baby shower gift.
Whoever invented this is a genius , sure wish this was around when I had littler ones, sure would have came in handy. This is so cool.