It has been a while since an update with me and my little family! Little Link is doing amazing, almost a year old now believe it or not. He is standing and walking with furniture support. He is eating or rather I should say trying lots of foods. We practice baby led weaning which entails waiting for baby to truly be ready for real whole foods like steamed broccoli, carrots and more. I love following this method as I never have to mess with puree’s or baby food in general. Our little one just eats what we do no fuss involved. Doing this makes sure that babies belly is really ready for the types of foods going in and also ensures a healthy long lasting breastfeeding relationship.
As I have talked briefly about before, I have had some issue finding breastfeeding friendly clothes that I like and that fit my body well. There are a lot of cute brands out there but I felt most weren’t tailored to after you get your body back to pre-pregnancy weight. I was left feeling stuck with baggy, ill fitting outfits and I just felt frumpy all the time, not to mention having so much extra material in the way of baby getting latched.
Being the crafty momma I am I decided that I would take matters into my own hand. When it came to nursing tank tops I was able to sew the sides tighter to have a more form fitting look and feel this didn’t solve the temperature issue of wearing tank tops out in during winter months. I had friends who suggested wearing another shirt over top of the nursing tanks but I found that to add more material that again I was fighting with to get little dude latched as well as feeling way too hot. So what was my solution, crop tops!
While I’m not quite ready to wear crop tops alone right now due to weather being frigid here in Michigan. I found that layering a crop top over a nursing top to be the perfect amount of warmth and I was still able to keep my outfits form fitting, not to mention I was able to make my whole wardrobe so much more versatile. I also love the sporty look it creates.
The way I make this work is having a few different styles of crop top in a few different basic colors so that they can go with pretty much anything during any weather. I have 3/4 sleeve crop tops, t-shirts, and long sleeve. With my nursing tanks also being basic colors I am able to swap so many choices.
This has been such a great hack in my already existing wardrobe because I can wear all of these during nursing as well as after. What breastfeeding hacks have you tried?
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 4 responses.
I love that you created what works for you! That is always the best.
These are some great ideas I will have to remember for when I’m nursing again.
What a great idea, thank you so much for sharing! I always just wore my own clothes while I was breastfeeding as well. I found it so much easier to put a tank on underneath my shirt, that way I can lift it up and still have my belly covered by the tank. I love your modifications, you look super cute!
That is actually really clever. And it looks cute too. WIN!