Thank you to Joybed for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to me.

I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 7 responses.
I hadn’t heard of floor sleeping. I’m not sure it’s for me but if it works for people that’s great.
This looks great. My problem would be getting up from the floor.
This is a first for me, I know a lot people over the years that could not afford a bed that slept on the floor. I know they say a hard surface equals a good sleep. As for me I could not get down to try it out.
Interesting! Didn’t know this was a thing.
I don’t mind sleeping on the floor or a hard surface. May have to give it a try.
First I’ve learned about mattresses having toxic materials too. Think I’m going to have to do some research. I don’t like the idea of breathing in harmful toxins when I’m sleeping. -
Thank you for your review, I had done a search of joybed reviews and stumbled upon yours…
Just a thought.. you chose floor sleeping because of toxic chemicals in most mattresses..etc, I totally agree, I too am researching different natural options.. my older 100% natural bamboo mattress i LOVED was manufactured by Dormia, in Maryland, unfortunately they went out of business several years ago?. I need to purchase a smaller size, otherwise I would not be looking..
What distracted me from your review was in your pics, you are sleeping on the floor on CARPET!!!! one of the most extremly toxic items in your house.. from glue to padding to fibers to the continual gases that it will emit throughout its lifetime… nothing is natural about the floor you are sleeping on. It emits VOCs continuously.. and is extremely bad? and you are actually laying right on it breathing in and absorbing all of those chemicals and toxins..
I installed all high end natural hardwood floors with that are nailed in, NOT glued, because of this.
Then again, I am not an expert, just a random person on oxygen(yes severe breathing and medical issues) I enjoyed this blog post review on the joybed products I am researching..
I am now concerned with you and your family’s exposure to dangerous chemicals and VOCs etc from the carpet..
Researching Joybeds and came across this. The first thing that went through my mind, like the person mentioned previously, was that you are now sleeping on carpet. Probably couldn’t get much more toxic than that if you tried. Curious as to where you will make your family sleep now…in the bathtub? In a hammock in the backyard? Sometimes you have to use a little common sense.
How interesting! I have not heard of Joybed until this article.