Summer fun

This is a sponsored guest post with All opinions are my own.

Summer Fun On A Budget

The warm summer weather makes everyone feel upbeat, excited, and adventurous. With so much to do during this time, you and your family can bond and create life-long memories. However, summer expenses can also add up fast. From concerts to amusement park tickets, you may end up going over budget and becoming stressed out.

The good news is that with proper planning, you can still enjoy summer fun on a budget. Many activities are of low cost or free, while still allowing you to show the entire family a good time. Check out these fun summer adventures that you can experience even on a budget.


Depending on where you live, summer skies often give a fantastic view of stars and constellations. The warm weather is perfect for your entire family to spend an evening outdoors, looking at the heavens. As you stargaze, have some constellations in mind to look out for. Let your kids practice drawing the connections as you enjoy a refreshing bonfire. And don’t forget the s’mores!

Stargazing is a fun and relaxing activity that won’t dig into your wallet. You can also plan several of these during the summer without the experience feeling redundant.

Make A Trip To The Farmers’ Market

The summer weather is also a perfect time for local farmers to pull out their produce. If you’re looking to enjoy new recipes and fresh organic food, visit your local farmers’ market for an afternoon of shopping.

Many items at farmers’ markets are much cheaper than they would otherwise be at the store. You also get to enjoy more options- ranging from fresh berries to kale and oranges. Explore new recipes by obtaining these fresh ingredients.

Attend Local Summer Concerts

Yes, there are those top-level concerts that feature the best bands in the country. However, these are bound to cost hundreds of dollars per ticket. A more cost-effective option is to attend local summer concerts.

Many small towns (or suburbs) organize free summer concerts that give local talent a chance to perform. You can enjoy a day full of fun family music, affordable deals on food, and plenty of activities for the kids. To further save on costs, minimize purchasing t-shirts, souvenirs, or other tempting merchandise that you may see during the day.

Summer fun on a budget

Plan A Family Sleepover

You may not be the only family that’s looking to save on costs during summer fun. Share your plans with friends and family- and you may agree to schedule a summer sleepover at each other’s houses.

A change of scenery for a few days may be a fun experience for you and your kids.


Feeling like you spent the entire day indoors? Consider going bowling for the evening. Many bowling alleys are quite affordable, and you may even find a package deal for families. Of course, keep an eye out for any coupons provided by discount sites.

Bowling is a fun, yet laid back summer activity that everyone will love. And instead of buying ice cream at the bowling alley, have a tub ready at home (in your fridge) to go back to.

Plan A Family Sports Day

Staying fit and active during the summer is an excellent way of remaining healthy. Consider taking the family on a sports day, where you spend time at your local gym or park playing a sport. For example, you may choose to enjoy a morning of tennis or basketball, and an afternoon by the pool. You can purchase a daily pass for many of these activities, thus saving on full-month subscriptions.

Go Thrift Shopping

Summertime is perfect for shopping. With so many different styles and designs available, you may want to grab a pair of new shorts or a catchy t-shirt. If you or your kids need summer gear, the local thrift store is a great place to get affordable items.

Take time to dig through what’s available, and you may find something that you love. Thrift store shopping is an excellent way of passing the time while hunting for a diamond in the rough.

4th Of July Fireworks

Finally, don’t forget to catch your local 4th of July fireworks display. Many cities and towns have fireworks planned for this particular day, and it’s often free of charge. Other places also hold weekly, or monthly fireworks show that the entire family will love.

This post currently has 3 responses.

  • Sarah L

    My top free thing to do is go to the library. They have great summer programs and you can check out movies as well as books.

  • Ronnell Storie

    We have a lot lakes close by. If you have a boat that’s a plus. Fishing from the bank is good too. It is easy enough to scratch for worms and catch a few grasshoppers. Bait cost is zero. Rod and reals and cane poles last for years. So cost for fishing supplies spread out overs years of use is minimum. Good family time with bonus of catching food.

    • Here in Michigan we have tons of lakes too so we like fishing as well. I wish the cost of fishing licenses would stop going up, it gets pricy if you have a group of adults trying to go. But there are a few days each year where you don’t need a license so even people who don’t want to pay for the license could take advantage of those free fishing days. 🙂

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