Thank you to Shin Nong for providing me with products to facilitate my blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Around our property, we have several flower gardens, a large vegetable garden, and a small fruit orchard. We depend on the garden and orchard to help feed our family. With that in mind, I go to great lengths to make sure I don’t accidentally use products with toxic chemicals. To fertilize our plants, I use PRO ORGANIC by Shin Nong.

PRO ORGANIC fertilizer is 100% certified organic. It doesn’t contain any animal manure and its 100% vegan. It is formulated rice bran, castor meal, and 17 different natural minerals called Rare Earth Elements (REEs). PRO ORGANIC is safe for all plants. It is safe for use around children and/or pets.

PRO ORGANIC was designed to re-structure your plants enabling them to grow healthy and strong. PRO ORGANIC encourages seed germination, root development, plant biomass, fruit production, and soil enrichment.

I use PRO ORGANIC pellets in my garden, the orchard and all around my flower beds. I use the spray on my house plants. I apply PRO ORGANIC fertilizer about every two weeks. Sometimes more, and sometimes less. With PRO ORGANIC, you don’t have to worry about overuse.

When I first began using PRO ORGANIC, I applied it to a petunia that was not looking very well. It was limp and had been sunburned. Within three days of using the pellets, the petunia looked like a brand new plant. It had lush greenery, full blooms, and multiple new buds forming. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. After that, I went around our property giving PRO ORGANIC to all of my plants.

I strongly suggest PRO ORGANIC plant fertilizer. I will be a repeat customer, for sure!

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This post currently has 6 responses.

  • Lauryn R

    Your flowers are beautiful!! This definitely sounds like amazing fertilizer! I need to remember this when we finally move into our new house, when I start my garden! I love flowers. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Lynne B

    That’s pretty impressive results! I think my mom wouldn’t mind trying it as she’s got the green thumb in the family.

  • Dandi D

    I’ve been thinking about using some fertilizer in my garden, and this sounds like a great one to try!

  • Sarah L

    Looks like a good fertilizer. No garden for me right now.

  • ellen beck

    You flowers and vegetables look amazing. I compost and use that, but have to admit, there isnt always enough compost to go around. This sounds like a nice supplement to composting . Sometimes plants need that extra nutrition.

  • Mia E.

    I have some raspberry bushes and tomato plants that I would like to try this on. I like the idea that they are pellets that are easy to apply.

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