With Valentine’s day being less than a month away, we see and read more about love, dating and relationships. I’m a firm believer that maintaining a healthy relationship is a 365 day a year commitment, not one to only think about for Valentine’s day or your anniversary. Still, when analyzing what type of content to share with you today, Valentine’s day lead me to think about unique date ideas. The cool thing is, none of these are specific to Valentine’s day. In fact, some of these unique date night ideas might seem too simple for Valentine’s day…or some of them may be ones you’ want to avoid on Valentine’s day if you dislike crowds. So, here are my 10 unique date ideas that I wanted to share but feel free to use them whenever they suit your fancy!
- Childhood movie night. Ryan told me years ago that Aladin was his favorite childhood movie but it was one I had never seen before. We recently got Disney+ and watched Aladin one night. The whole time I kept thinking about what he may have liked about it as a child. It was just a neat experience to think about the childhood version of the man I love. So having a movie night where you watch each of your favorite childhood movies could be really sweet! Of course, don’t forget popcorn!
- Virtual reality park date. I just recently heard that Virtual reality parks exist. These are places where you can use viritual reality gear to play games. If you have any interest in VR, this could make a really fun date night!
- Axe throwing. This hobby seems to be getting more popular as I see it on social media more and more. If you want a unique date idea, competing to throw axes definitely fits the bill!
- Want something more sentimental? Re-do your first ever date night! Go to the same places, eat the same foods, re-take the same photos. This is sure to have to both reminiscing about those early days!
- Go to a local comedy club. If you can find one that lets people volunteer to take the stage, that’s even better. You may find yourself having tons of laughs, or you may get to experience a newbie trying to figure out how comedy works. Either way it will be unique and interesting!
- Make a wacky recipe together. Recently we’ve been watching the YouTube channel ‘Hellthy Junk Food’ together. They make all sorts of wild recipes and do wacky food challenges. For example they made a gigantic pringle can and gigantic pringles to put in it! They’ve also made a giant gusher, giant slim jim edible wall paper and more. This date night would require planning as most recipes they do require unique ingredients and supplies. It would be really fun and unique though!
- Indoor skydiving. Less risk than real skydiving but still an adrenaline rush!
- Throwback to your early days! Similar to #4, except instead of redoing your first date night, re-create your early relationship foods and entertainment. Think back to your first year together and ask yourself how you used your free time and what you liked eating back then and re-create it! We might play the video game Civilization 3 and eat pizza rolls if we were re-creating our early days!
- Craft night. Check out Pinterest for a DIY project or craft that you would enjoy doing together. Maybe a wall sign to hang up in your bedroom?
- Tik-Tok and pizza. Order a pizza, crawl into bed and show each other your favorite tik-toks. I love spending time together just laughing and tik tok is where I turn for laughs. I ‘like’ the videos I like and then every once in a while I’ll go through my likes and show them to Ryan so he can share in the laughs. It makes for a really fun, light-hearted way to spend time together. If you’ve both been stressed or over-worked staying in and being ‘lazy’ having fun together can be a great way to reconnect and recharge.
Want more date night ideas? Check out our date night bucket list blog post for creative date night ideas.
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 7 responses.
Some fun ideas. Have to say I laughed with the axe throwing….hee hee. Not sure I want to weaponize the date 😉
I have friends who did the indoor skydiving and they had a blast.
How about a trip to the botanic gardens for a day time experience. -
Aww…these are great ideas…though I am totally intimidated with the axe throwing! Hah! I love the idea of watching favorite childhood movies together!
These date night ideas are so neat! Virtual reality parks sound like a lot of fun. My favorite idea is childhood movie night. It would such a sweet, nostalgic, and relaxing date.
These are really cool ideas. Axe throwing? Never heard of doing this but I think we would have fun!
Some fun ideas. I have to admit that I have never even heard of axe throwing. That would be interesting.
These are great ideas. We actually just got an ax throwing shop here in the past month. We might do that.