From the time I had my first baby 8 years ago I was always making sure that the product I used on him were natural. I started with Pampers sensitive brand and when I found something more natural I kept switching. For the first year I used water wipes with my youngest. On Amazon I could get Water Wipes for about $.22 per wipe, now that doesn’t sound like a lot but when you add them up it got to be pretty pricey per month specially with three kiddos using them for number two visits!
I had a friend (Brian from The Ah-Mason Adventure Youtube channel) tell me about a homemade wipe recipe and at first I was skeptical until I bought a Costco membership. Once I found out that I could buy the paper towel for wipe making for super cheap, I was sold.
A pack of 12 rolls of paper towel from Costco costs me $16.99.
I also bought avocado oil for cooking from Costco which costs $16.99.
I purchased witch hazel from my local grocery store for $1.
My local health food store sold Dr.Bronner’s castile soap for $3.99 and lavender essential oil for $11. When I make this recipe I go from spending $.22 per wipe to $.01 per wipe, I know it doesn’t sound like much but let me put it in perspective for you! It costs me $1.65 to make 150 wipes, when I was purchasing Water Wipes I was spending $32.99 for the same amount of wipes. Essentially buying a $16.99 package of wipes has made it possible for me to make 2,880 wipes at the cost of $31.68. Want to save some cash yourself, check out the recipe below!
DIY Homemade Baby Wipe Recipe
So to start off I take a whole roll of paper towel and using my kitchen knife cut it right in half.
Next you take 2 cups hot water in a bowl or measuring cup like I have, and add to that, 2 tablespoons of witch hazel.
I then add 1 teaspoon of Dr.Bronner’s Hemp Lavender Castile soap. You don’t have to use lavender infused soap, I just do because my littles have sensitive skin.
Essential oils are completely optional and interchangeable, I choose to use Lavender again and I add about 8 drops into the water.
Last but not least is 1 tablespoon of avocado oil, this can also be interchanged with other oils like coconut etc.
I take a wisk and mix it around to displace the oil a small bit.
Remove the large lid of your wipe container, ( for me that’s the bottom ) and put your cut in half roll inside the container.
Next take your mixture and pour it over top of the roll slowly.
Place the lid onto the container and wait about 5-10 minutes.
Now pull out the center brown cardboard.
Now all the wipes will feed out of the center of the roll seamlessly.
That’s it you’re done! You’ve made your own homemade baby wipes, not that they are only for babies everyone in my household uses them! We choose not to flush these and put them in the trash, but we have had a few times where the kiddos have forgotten and flushed them and it’s been ok. I actually scored my container at goodwill for about $2 but there are great containers on Amazon for about $10 as well that others have labeled as great homemade wipe containers.
What I love about this recipe is that I can make to suit our needs, I use less plastic than with the individual wrapped baby wipe packages we used to use and it honestly saves me a crazy amount of money! If I need these on the go I can make the wipes inside of a plastic ziplock type bag and throw them in the diaper bag.
I am a stay at home mother of two, who loves to create in every form, from cooking, to henna, to painting or sculpting, creating with my hands is my passion! I love to dance and let loose when the music flows right. Being outside is a special kind of therapy I think humans need more of as well as mindfulness! I love all things new and adventurous and am always looking to experience more of life 🙂
This post currently has 7 responses.
this sounds so good and natural. I like the savings that comes with it too.
This post is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I pinned it!
I think baby wipes are one of the best inventions of the last 100 years. I will be making my own from now on. Thanks.
Love the idea of homemade baby wipes! The idea never occurred to me to make them myself and safe so much money.
Such a money saver and so practical. Thanks for the recipe.
I never thought of making my own baby wipes! This is so easy to do and I like the natural ingredients.
What a good way to save money and know that you are using natural products. I would never have guessed that it could be this easy and economical.