A month ago, I had heard of Coronavirus, but I was blissfully unaware of what it could possibly mean for my life, job, community and beyond. A month ago, I would not have imagined that the government would close all of the schools in our state, the churches would close, we would not be able to get a hair cut, nor go out to dinner at a restaurant. Unfortunately, I think we are only at the beginning, and things are very likely to get worse here in the United States before they get better. However, I try to be a ‘glass half full’ type of person, and I try to find the positives in negative situations. Mr. Rogers said, “look for the helpers”. I give some ideas below on how to brighten the day of those helpers. YOU can also be a helper. Doing good for others will help lift your spirit too!
Bonus: Most of these ideas can be done even if you end up quarantined!
~ Send greeting cards or hand-drawn pictures to local nursing home or assisted living residents.
~ Leave a special treat for the mailman or package delivery driver.
~ Adopt or Foster a Pet.
~ Order take out and give the delivery driver the biggest tip you can afford.
~ Go for a walk and pick up any litter you find.
~ Set a timer on your phone. When the timer goes off, at the same time each day, pray specifically for someone else.
~ Write a letter or send a care package to a soldier.
~ Go through the items you don’t want or need anymore and donate them to a charity or someone in need.
~ Post inspirational sticky notes or signs around your neighborhood.
~ Pay for the person behind you in the drive through line.
~ Paint rocks with positive messages or cute designs and leave them around the neighborhood to brighten other people’s days.
~ Pick up an elderly neighbor’s groceries for them.
~ Think of a special friend you have not seen in a while. Send them a text to let them know you are thinking about them.
~ Buy gift cards from local businesses to help with their cash flow in this tough time.
~ Hide a love note for your spouse or your children to find when they are least expecting it.
~ Have coffee or a sweet treat delivered to your local emergency department, fire department or police station.
~ FaceTime with a family member you have not seen in a while. Tell them 3 things you love/appreciate about them.
~ Send flowers to the Nursing Home or Assisted Living to brighten the day of the residents and staff.
~ Write a letter to a past or current teacher and tell them the impact they made on you.
~ Since it is almost Easter, if you have a neighborhood group on social media, host a neighborhood Egg Hunt. This is not the traditional egg hunt you are thinking of. Have your child(ren) design a paper Easter egg or two and put them in the windows of your home, facing the street. Have other neighbors do the same. Then go on a family walk and see how many Easter Eggs you can find in the neighborhood!
Try some of my ideas and come back and let me know in the comments what you did and how it made you feel.
Enjoy! Be Well!
Hi, my name is Asha. I am 34-years-old and am a nurse by profession. Right now I am battling Breast Cancer. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and together we have a sweet seven-year-old daughter, a fun four-year-old son, and a lovable bunny named Caramel. I enjoy spending time with family, taking photographs, scrapbooking, hunting, fishing, cooking and gardening.
This post currently has 4 responses.
Thank you for this reminder to think of others during this tough time. These are such good ideas for us to be helpful in our communities.
Such nice ideas. Its a win – win!
Great ideas. It is so nice when we help each other out in hard times
What a great idea! This is very inspiring. We need to lift each other up during this trying time.