Salonpas Pain Relief Products Giveaway

I received product from Salonpas to facilitate this post.  As always, all opinions are my own.

Salonpas Line Of Topical OTC Pain Relief Products Giveaway

Nobody wants to live in pain.  However, I also don’t want to be running to the doctor for every little ache either.  First, I love trying to treat things at home and that’s why Salonpas is a great choice.  Plus, their products would make great stocking stuffers this Christmas!

Salonpas Pain Relief Products Giveaway

Topical First’ is now recognized by the medical community as the first-line of treatment to safely treat pain.  Oral pain relievers, including opioids and NSAIDS, are leading causes of serious adverse medical events including hospitalization and even death.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American College of Physicians (ACP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) all support the use of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) as first-line therapy for treating acute, non-low back pain from musculoskeletal injuries in outpatient settings.  So that’s where Salonpas can help!

Salonpas Pain Relief Products Giveaway

A great way to keep your friends and family pain free safely while camping, RVing, and all the other fun activities everyone loves is to include the Salonpas® line of topical OTC pain relief products in their stockings this year.

History of Salonpas

In the century-and-a-half since their founding, Hisamitsu has pioneered the development of patches and other topical treatments to relieve the everyday aches and pains that many people unfortunately suffer with.  The Salonpas product line had gained early acceptance in Asia and now sells in 50 countries around the world because it’s a great answer to treating those aches and delivering relief when needed.

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Salonpas Pain Relief Products Giveaway

Enter To Win:

One lucky Emily Reviews reader will receive the full line of Salonpas products, valued at $150!  This giveaway is open to the US only, just enter the widget below for your chance to win.  Good luck!

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