wizards & werewolves game

I was sent samples from Starlux Games for inclusion in my holiday gift guide. there are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are my own.

I have 7 nephews ranging from 10-16 right now. It’s really been fun watching this group of boys grow up. I think all but 2 of them are taller than I am now (I’m 5’1″ so it doesn’t take much). Still, it’s a reminder that they’re growing up. I tend to find it harder to buy gifts for kids as they get older as their interests tend to become more limited.

This year, I found a couple great preteen or teen gift ideas at Starlux Games.

Several of the boys in my family are really active. They like sports, playing on the trampoline and so on. None of them are particularly interested in board games, so I don’t often think about games. That’s why I love Starlux Games, though. They will appeal to active kids and they add a glow in the dark element that makes them even more fun.

Glow battle starlux games

Glow Battle is a game for kids ages 8 and up and is intended for 2 to 4 players. It includes foam weapons that glow in the dark. What preteen or teen doesn’t want to have a ninja battle, right?? The kit includes the batteries you need. There are 10 different ways to play this game and instructions for them come included. I can also see kids making up their own ways to play or just using the weapons on their own, separately from any game. I like giving gifts that can be used in multiple ways because I feel it increase the odds that the kids will find a way to use it that they really love. Glow Battle is back ordered on the main Starlux website, but is still available on Amazon, click the link to check the current pricing.

wizards & werewolves game

Wizards & Werewolves is another glow-in-the-dark active game. This one is aimed at kids ages 10+ and for 4 to 10 players. I’d love to see the boys playing with this one as a big group! This one has 3 levels of play. Werewolves hunt, while wizards run and search. If a wizard is bitten by a werewolf, they join the werewolf side. Wizards can defeat werewolves using glow crystals! This will make a fun gift but it also would be a fun purchase for a family party or event, allowing lots of cousins (or even grown ups!) to join in on a game together.

Check out Starlux games for other games that will make nice gifts this year.

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