Blog holiday gift guide accepting sponsors

Blog holiday gift guide 2021

We’ve organized holiday gift guide events every November and December for over a decade now! The team here at Emily Reviews looks forward to this event all year round. Like in past years, we’ll be starting it November 1st this year, and it will continue through December 15th.

Blog holiday gift guide accepting sponsors

Emily Reviews Blog Holiday Gift Guide Goals

The #1 goal of our gift guide is to provide our readers with gift ideas for their family members and friends. We try to take some of the stress out of finding the right gifts for everyone on your list. 

Most of our readers are women ages 25-44. Most of them are the primary shopper in their household, making them important people to reach with holiday shopping ideas. 

Because our readers look for gifts to suit all different types of people, and a wide range of budgets, we try to include a vast assortment of gift ideas.

We like including gifts that are affordable and gifts that are indulgent, to cover different budgets. We like including gifts that are practical, and gifts that are more luxurious, to suit different gifting personalities. 

We look to include gifts that work well for your new boss, or your neighbor you may not know well, while also including gift ideas for your spouse or your best friend that you know like the back of your hand. We also like to feature gift ideas that are likely to appeal to a wide range of people, such as blankets, winter gloves or gourmet food gift baskets, as these can be great options for the people on your list who you don’t know well or who don’t have specific interests. We also like to feature really unique, specific gifts for people with set hobbies or interests. For example, paddleboarding accessories or embroidery kits. 

Our categories include babies up to adults (including great-grandparents!). In past years we have included over 200 different gift ideas! We truly try to include something for everyone. 

How To Get Your Brand Included In A Blog Holiday Gift Guide

To get your brand included in the Emily Reviews holiday gift guide for 2021, just reach out to me at Let me know which brand(s) you represent and which product(s) you’d like to have included in my holiday gift guide. 

In most cases (95% or more!), there is no fee to participate in our holiday gift guide. Instead, we have brands send us their product(s) in exchange for being included.

There are five of us who write for Emily Reviews, and we all accept products for the holiday gift guide. Meaning, when you email me (Emily, the blog owner) about your brand or product, I may refer you to one of the other four writers for this blog. In that case, you’d send the product(s) to her, and she would write about your product rather than me. All writers here at Emily Reviews are able to decide which brands or products they work with. For example, if you email me about a toddler gift, I’m not likely to be interested as I don’t have any toddlers in my family right now. However, some of the other writers do have toddlers in their households or extended families, so they’re more likely to work with you in that case. 

In the event that your product isn’t a good fit for any of us personally, we may not be interested in promoting your brand in exchange for a product sample. In that case, I (Emily) could still work with you on our gift guide but it would be in exchange for a fee rather than product. Or if you are a brand that isn’t interested in sending products but would just prefer to pay for inclusion, we can negotiate that. 

How To Get Included In A Blog Gift Guide For Free

For my blog, getting included in our gift guide is almost always free! As long as you’re willing to send products and those products are of interest to one of the five people on my team, we’ll work with you in exchange for products rather than payment. 

Holiday gift guide categories

We’ll be including the following categories for our 2021 holiday gift guide.

  1. Gifts for men
  2. gifts for women
  3. Gifts for teens
  4. Gifts for big kids (Ages 8-12)
  5. Gifts for little kids (Ages 3-7)
  6. Gifts for babies and toddlers (newborn-2)
  7. Gifts for pets 
  8. Stocking stuffers for adults (ages 18+)
  9. Stocking stuffers for kids (Babies through 18)

What will the Emily Reviews 2021 holiday gift guide look like?

blog holiday gift guide level A

Our 2021 gift guide will be done in a similar fashion to our gift guide last year. We offer several different promotional levels to brands. The lowest level (tier A) would get your brand included in a gift guide round-up post, such as “gift ideas for teenagers” (clicking that will take you to last year’s teen gift guide round-up post). The biggest level (tier G) includes a full blog post for the brand (review or featured post), inclusion in TWO round-up posts, an Instagram post, a shout-out in our email newsletter, and an ad placed in our sidebar for two weeks! There are several tiers in between these two as well.

holiday gift guide level G

The tiers are based on the value of products sent to us. This is NOT a fee. For example, our most popular tier is usually tier C. Tier C requires a $75 value worth of products and includes a full blog post for the brand, and inclusion in one round-up post. A brand could meet this by sending us one product that sells for $75, OR by sending one product that sells for $50, and a second product that sells for $25, OR by sending us three products that sell for $25 each. It doesn’t necessarily matter how many products are needed to make up the value, all that matters is the overall value sent. Of course, the bloggers on my team have to agree to what sample(s) are sent, as they are our compensation for the work we do for you, so if you were to send products that weren’t a good match for our families that wouldn’t work out well for us. 

You can visit our 2019 holiday gift guide directory post and click on any of those images to be taken to our “gift guide round up” posts, we do one per category. 

Emily Reviews Holiday Gift Guide Media Kit

If you’d like to see your 2021 holiday gift guide media kit, click that link to view it on Google docs. Please keep in mind that the promotional tiers list dollar amounts, but these are NOT fee amounts, they are based on the retail value of products sent. 

Can Etsy shops or small businesses be included?

Yes! We love working with Etsy shop owners or other small businesses. 

What are your traffic stats?

These can be viewed in our media kit (linked above). 

Will you host giveaways?

Yes! We love hosting giveaways. Brands that participate in our gift guide on any level have the option of including a giveaway. 

When is the deadline for emailing you? 

We can theoretically accept offers through early December. However, our gift guide round-up posts start going up on November 12th. If you’d like to participate in a round-up style post, having you products to us prior to November 12th would be the most ideal. 

Is your gift guide specifically for Christmas?

No. All of the writers on the Emily Reviews team happen to celebrate Christmas. I suspect that more of our readers celebrate Christmas vs other holidays, as well. However, very few (if any) of the gift suggestions that we provide will be specific to Christmas. If you celebrate other winter holidays, you’re likely to find great gift ideas in our guide. We want everyone to feel included in our gift guide which is part of why we call it a holiday gift guide. 

What is the price range for holiday gifts?

We like to include gifts that can suit most any budget. We like to include some very affordable ($5 or $10) gift ideas, and many years we have at least a few gift suggestions that are $300+. Most people I know like to gift a range of price points, so we try t accommodate that. I’d say most of our gift suggestions fall in the $15-$150 range, though. 


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