Thank you to Cushionaire for providing me with products to facilitate my blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.
Cushionaire is a shoe brand designed and owned by Next Step Group (NSG). NSG was founded in 1998 and has led the fashion world with groundbreaking styles. The Cushionaire collection focuses on comfort as well as a fashionable style. They carry designs that cover day use as well as night use, boating to office attire, sandals to sneakers, and all things in between. Another important and much-appreciated feature of Cushionaire is that not only are their shoes comfortable, but their prices are also! They make purchasing easy by offering their customers online access They have a 60-day return policy that includes free shipping for customers who have an account.
One of the shoes that we (my tween/teen daughters and I) absolutely love is the Luna. This comfortable classic design has a cork sandal and cushioned leather insole and heel cup. After wear, the leather insole conforms to the shape of the foot so each shoe really is unique to the wearer. The cork footbed and EVA outsole make for a long-wearing shoe with some traction if you find yourself walking in slick situations. We chose this in the Brown Oily color although there were many other colors to choose from. The Brown Oily color looks so “rich”. Sizes range from 5 to 13 including 1/ 2 sizes.
The Vance (we chose it in red) is such an amazingly comfortable high-top sneaker. This sneaker is made out of a soft canvas upper that has proven to be easily wiped off when necessary. The adjustable laces make it very flexible as to how you wear the shoe (fully laced and snug or unlaced and “baggy”). The memory foam insole makes the shoe so comfortable even when worn for long periods of time. My daughter appreciates the added inch of height she gets when she wears her Vance sneaker since the sneaker is on a platform bottom. The traction exterior sole makes it a little safer for her as she walks from one school building to another during the fall and winter months when we have rain, ice, and sometimes snow. These shoes come in several colors and range in sizes from 6 to 11 including half sizes.
The squishy comfort of Cushionaire’s Fame sandal is like none others I have found. Once on your feet, you won’t want to take them off. These shoes have a 1.75-inch platform and the adjustable straps accommodate most foot shapes. They are so soft and flexible and are fully waterproof. Exposure to a lot of sun may make these shoes shrink so keep that in mind. These shoes come in whole sizes ranging from 6 to 11 and are available in many colors. We chose orange.
The Mandy comes in white, black, and nude. This strappy slip-on sandal is made of a very soft and stretchy gore material in the upper portion (straps) of the shoe. The 2-inch platform sole goes great with a dressy look as well as with jeans and leggings…and shorts! The “rope” edging looks so playful and the outsole has a traction design if you find yourself in slippery walking situations. As with other Cushionaire designs, the cushioned comfort insole makes these shoes a “go-to” for days when I know I’m going to be on my feet a lot. We chose to get our Mandy in white. This shoe ranges in sizes from 6 to 11 including 1/2 sizes.
Nissa may end up being your favorite sneaker. Cushionaire’s Nissa design is a very fashionable sneaker. I’m sure you have days when you want something a little dressy but you know a sneaker is comfortable. Well, Nissa combines the two. The size zipper and stretch gore, make the Nissa so easy to slip on and off. The outsole is very durable and able to withstand lots of wear while the memory foam insole makes standing and walking extremely comfortable. The Nissa is available in sizes 6 to 11 including 1/2 sizes and comes in taupe, gray, black, and leopard.
If you love your feet, do them a favor and check out Cushionaire. They’ll thank you for it.
Buy It: Please visit the Cushionaire website to see the great selection of products they offer and convenient shopping locations.
Connect: Don’t forget to follow Cushionaire on Pinterest and Instagram for the latest product announcements and special offers.
WIN IT: TEN winners will each receive a $30 gift code to be used at Cushionaire.com. This is a US giveaway. It is scheduled to end on 11/28/2021. Good luck!
Hello, my name is Laurie. My family and I live near the Oregon coast. When we aren’t at work, in school, or on the volleyball court, we enjoy traveling, cheering for our favorite sports teams, playing outdoors, and checking off items on our bucket list. We are lucky in that both sets of our parents, as well as our siblings and their families, live within an hour of us. We get together often to help one another out, celebrate milestones, and go on adventures together.
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I have had foot pain so I need to wear shoes with a lot of cushion. These look so supportive and they’re affordable too.