Foothill Toy Company - Matchbox Mice & Friends Giveaway

This Foothill Toy Company – Matchbox Mouse & Friends Giveaway is sponsored by Lone Cone/Foothill Toy Co.

Foothill Toy Co.

If you’ve never heard of Foothill Toy Co. before, now’s the time to check them out!  They craft timeless treasures that kindle the imagination for children everywhere.  More than what meets the eye, each play set is an invitation to a magical pretend world where anything is possible.  Their Matchbox Mice & Friends lineup is inspired by the classic toys of times past, with an aim to deliver the magic of childhood

Foothill Toy Company - Matchbox Mice & Friends Giveaway

Each of these little friends come in a sturdy matchbox keepsake that is perfect for storing your stuffed friend when not in play.  These adorable creatures are high quality, cute, colorful, well-made, and low/no tech which means they’re perfect for encouraging imaginative play!

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Foothill Toy Company - Matchbox Mice & Friends Giveaway

Foothill Toy Company – Matchbox Mice & Friends Giveaway

One lucky Emily Reviews reader will win their very own Matchbox Mice friend!  The winner may choose which style they’d like, based on availability.  This giveaway is open to the Continental US only, just enter the widget below for your chance to win.  Good luck!

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