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Oral care routine is a significant factor in ensuring that our oral health is well maintained and up to standards. Your oral hygiene plays a very crucial role even in your entire health standards. It has been revealed that gum diseases are associated with many health problems like diabetes, stroke, preterm labor, and heart diseases.

Therefore, maintaining hygiene in our teeth is an inevitable aspect of our life. It goes way more than just flossing and brushing your teeth. Taking care of your teeth and mouth is supposed to be a lifetime schedule. The oral care routine involves various steps, which are discussed below by FOSOO oral care.

What are the oral care routine steps?

Know your own oral hygiene needs

You need to have enough understanding of the unique needs in your mouth or teeth. Visiting a dentist or oral health care specialist to examine your teeth and mouth will be the best option. The specialist will see if you have any health condition that affects your oral health.

Cancer treatments, diabetes, and pregnancy primarily affect oral health and call for routine handling of your mouth and teeth. Therefore, ensure the dentist gets to understand any health condition you are going through.

Flossing and brushing regularly

You must ensure that your teeth are brushed at least two times a day, especially in the morning and before you sleep. The flossing can be done at least once every day. It is also imperative if you consider brushing after every meal.

Once you make it a habit for these procedures, it will help you remove any plaque within the teeth. If this plaque is not removed it will end up combining with sugars and lead to acidic substances, which is the key root to tooth decay. When your teeth have bacterial plaque you will be prone to gum diseases and so many other periodontal diseases.

Check your mouth more often

Ensure you examine your mouth regularly to understand how your teeth and mouth look. It will help a lot in seeing any new changes to the mouth and teeth in very early instances. These new developments should be reported to the dentist immediately for an examination—tobacco smokers need to practice this often because they are more exposed to developing oral cancer.

Make use of fluoride toothpaste

When you choose toothpaste, you have so many factors to consider. More importantly, fluoride should be the critical factor to consider than the power to whiten and the flavors in the toothpaste. Therefore, always make sure you pick a toothpaste with the required fluoride content. Fluoride is a key element in maintaining oral hygiene. It fights against any germs that lead to tooth decay hence forming a protective wall for your teeth.

Use electric toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes have been recognized to be way better than manual toothbrushes. The electric toothbrush will perform more strokes every minute if compared to the manual one. When brushing with the manual toothbrush, you might perform at most 400 strokes per minute, while the FOSOO electric toothbrush will perform more than 42000 vibrations per minute.

Therefore, a brush that performs more strokes is usually the most effective. Heads of a sonic clean toothbrush have also been structured to have good contact with all the teeth.

Over brushing is a problem that is associated with the use of a manual toothbrush. It leads to damage to the gums. Sonic electric toothbrushes have been designed to signal a change of sides every 30 seconds, reducing the risk of over-brushing.

The sonic electric toothbrush comes in various types, e.g., pink electric toothbrush, which is an eco-friendly electric toothbrush. The FOSOO electric toothbrush is convenient since it’s a quiet electric toothbrush; hence, it won’t be disturbing. FOSOO oral care recommends every toothbrush be changed every three months of use.

Reduce eating sugary and acidic foods

Excess sugar in your teeth turns into an acidic substance that is endangering the enamel of your teeth. When the acidic substance reacts with your teeth it will lead to tooth cavities. The enamel also becomes worn out due to the consumption of acidic fruits and sugary tea. Although you don’t necessarily have to avoid these substances, caution is vital.

Drink a lot of water

Water is the most acceptable beverage for the overall care routine. The specialist recommends drinking water after each meal as a general guideline. This can help wash away some of the unpleasant effects of sticky and acidic meals and beverages.

Saliva production is lowered when your mouth is dry. That suggests your saliva isn’t assisting you in achieving the proper pH level. As a result, a dry mouth serves as a breeding ground for microorganisms.

Practice proper brushing

Poor brushing is worse than not brushing. While brushing, ensure you take your time gently moving the toothbrush. The toothbrush is supposed to assume circular movements to remove all plaque in the teeth and gums. This is because if plaques remain in the teeth it will pose more problems, including gingivitis.

Make washing of your mouth a routine

Washing your mouth regularly is very important. It gets rid of acidic accumulation in the mouth, rinses the teeth & parts that are difficult to reach while brushing, and adds some minerals to your teeth.

You can use antibacterial mouth rinses to minimize some bacteria in the mouth that can result in gum diseases and plaque. There is a fluoride mouth rinse that helps in preventing tooth decay. The important thing is to ensure you use a mouthwash that the specialist recommends because of the sensitivity of your teeth.

Regularly visit your dentist

Your daily habits play a big part in your overall oral health. Even the most conscientious brushers and flossers require regular dental visits. At least twice a year, you should see your dentist for cleanings and checkups. Not only can a dentist remove calculus and examine for cavities, but they may also identify possible problems and offer treatment choices.

Some dental insurance companies will even reimburse you for more frequent dental exams. If this is the case for you, take advantage of it. If you have a history of dental problems like gingivitis or cavities, this is exceptionally crucial.


Oral care routine is an essential practice of your life. If you follow the above steps in taking care of your mouth and teeth, you will achieve oral hygiene. For more information concerning oral care routine, contact FOSOO oral care.

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