This is a sponsored guest post. All opinions are my own. 

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Taking a good weight loss program and pushing it over the edge is easier than one may imagine. Pushing a weight loss program to an extra level can produce results that not only change how you look but also help you lose those few extra pounds as well. 


While any weight loss journey requires hard work and dedication, taking these simple steps and following these three tips can help give your weight loss journey that much-needed extra push.

Be realistic

One of the most important aspects of weight loss is being realistic about what you accomplish. Being reasonable with your goals can make it easier to adjust when certain expectations are not met. It helps you to be your weight loss boss

If you set unrealistic timelines or expect very quick results, you may get discouraged and give up on your weight loss efforts altogether. You should set a period in which you want to lose the weight and plan how you will go about doing so while being realistic about the results you hope to get along the way.

Above all else, being realistic with your weight loss efforts is the best way to succeed in shedding pounds. Trying to lose five pounds a week by following an unrealistic diet plan or workout routine will only discourage you, leading you to quit altogether. 

On the other hand, if you are realistic about your abilities and expectations of yourself, your hard work will pay off in the end.

Weighing yourself every day and tracking your progress is a good way to stay realistic about weight loss.

 If you are not losing weight or even putting on pounds, you can make small changes such as cutting back on portions, running an extra mile at the gym or taking a longer route when walking around the neighborhood.

Make changes


The next important factor to consider is making your weight loss efforts more effective. Not only should you be realistic with your goals, but you should also look at what changes could help achieve those goals.  

For example, if you are serious about losing weight, spending more money on healthy foods may be worthwhile, and joining a gym to have an exercise bike vs. treadmill.  

In this way, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your time and money while doing what it takes to be successful in reaching your weight loss goals.

Exercise Bike vs. Treadmill

One of the final things to consider when making sure you can be successful with your weight loss journey is your exercise routine. Trying to lose weight without exercising is much harder than putting some time and effort into it. 

You may find the idea of exercising to be exhausting or like it is not worth it, but if you make sure you are doing things that will get you active, then you should see much better results in your weight loss goals. Compare an exercise bike vs treadmill to determine the one that suits you most in your exercise routine.

An overview

As hard as it may be to accept how much work you will need to put in or how many times you may fall from your exercise routine, making sure that you are not expecting too much from yourself is the most important step. 

Making sure that you’re always pushing yourself your hardest can be a huge challenge. While you naturally have a competitive side, forcing me to push further than I normally would be a daunting task. 

However, realizing that failure is not an option and knowing how important the goal is have helped me push myself harder than I would’ve ever imagined.

Don’t give up. Your weight loss journey starts with a single step, and it’s important to keep striving towards your goal even when you make mistakes along the way, or things seem difficult. Be realistic about what you can handle, put in the work necessary for success, and stay dedicated to your cause.

Making small changes in your weight loss program can do wonders for you. Not only will it help you stick with the changes you have already made, but it will also help you see results that much faster. Now, don’t think that all changes should be difficult or require a lot of time to produce results. 

Making small lifestyle changes such as going for a walk after dinner instead of sitting on the couch can make a huge difference when losing that extra weight.

No matter how overwhelmed you might feel, it’s important to make changes in your life that will help you achieve your weight loss goal. Exercise Bike vs. treadmill can be valuable resources, but they’re only one part of creating a sustainable routine and lifestyle change.

If you are the type of person that needs some incentive to push yourself harder, consider switching up your exercise routine by playing an active game on your workout routine. For example, if you enjoy running, find a game that will help motivate you while exercising on the treadmill or while riding your bike.

If you’ve been trying to exercise as much as possible (specifically by running or jogging) to lose weight, you may not be making the most efficient use of your time. A stationary bike might be a better option for you.

In life, sometimes, all you need is a little push. When it comes to weight loss, this can mean getting on that treadmill after dinner or going for a walk around the block when your stomach starts growling instead of opening up yet another bag of chips. 

It may seem like an insignificant difference at first, but over time small changes add up and make a big impact on how successful your weight-loss journey will be.

This post currently has 2 responses.

  • Helga

    Great article. Being realistic is very important in weight loss goals. Taking small steps is also much better than doing big things that can overwhelm.

  • Mia Rose

    So many good suggestions and factors to consider. I find that having a friend to exercise with is a motivator for me and not feeling like I have failed if I miss a day or two.

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