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Instagram is one of the many Social media platforms that is making people rich daily. It’s the 2nd most downloaded app and the 7th most visited website worldwide. This means that Instagram is a fast-growing platform that everyone, including you, can benefit from. 

According to stats, an Instagram influencer with 1,000 – 10,000 followers makes an average of $900 per post. But more Interestingly, businesses who manage to grow their Instagram account make thousands–if not millions– of dollars from selling to their Instagram followers.

Whether you’re a budding influencer or a brand owner, All you need to do is grow your Instagram account by gaining more followers and engagements. Eventually, you too will be making big bucks from the platform.  

The problem is that Instagram is a crowded platform and everyone is looking to snatch their own piece of the insta-cake. Not to worry, there are tricks for standing out. Check out these growth tips to stand out and grow big on Instagram. Megafamous can help. 

30+ Secret Instagram Growth Tips

With these tips, you can stand out among other Instagrammers and flourish.

1. Pick an industry 

If you try to reach everyone, you’ll wind up reaching no one. You’ll be so much more productive when you focus on a particular industry. Sticking to a niche helps you make valuable content that will attract high-quality followers to your page.

2. Your bio matters

Your Instagram bio does the job of introducing you to visitors. As such, you want to make your bio very catchy and informative. At the same time, ensure that your username is straightforward. 

3. Choose a memorable profile photo

One common thing about successful brands and businesses on Instagram is that they use unique profile photos. Their photos are so unique that they stick to the minds of their followers. For example, once you see the yellow letter M on a red background, you quickly think of McDonald’s. If you want people to remember your brand fast, your profile photo has to be memorable.

4. Get a content calendar 

It isn’t best practice to always make posts on the spur of the moment. Random creation of content is a recipe for disorganization and unpreparedness for the future. A content calendar can assist you in planning your content as well as other social media activity. It assures that you won’t run out of ideas because you’ve planned out your creative journey.

5. Jump on the Reels bandwagon
Many users are jumping on the TikTok-like feature, Instagram Reels. Interestingly, Reels have more engagement than regular videos. Make sure to maximize them as they’ll help your profile grow fast. In fact, they’re one of the ways to go viral on Instagram.

6. Make more Carousel posts
Instagram carousels let you share more value with your audience at once. And in turn, they help increase your following, especially since they hold more information and allow for better explanations.

7. Instagram GIF stickers  

People find it fun and engaging when they see a creator post stickers. Throwing GIFs into the sticker mix makes it even more interesting. Use stickers well and you’ll heighten your brand’s visibility, especially when mixed with branded GIF stickers.

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